Page 61 - br-mar-2022
P. 61

March 2022                            March 2022
 Village Walks Leaflet
 Mike Gee has kindly offered to undertake a project to complement the existing
 walks  leaflets,  using  a  combination  of  waymarking,  notice  boards  and  modern
 technology to make the walks as available to all as possible. This led to discussion
 on whether a village information board should be located opposite the play park
 as  many  visitors  start  their walks  from this  point.  However, this  could  be  seen as
 encouraging parking in an area that can be congested. Further discussion will be
 held, and consideration given to an additional board on Souls Moor.

 Wild Woodbury

 At this point, the management of the allotments has not yet been passed to the
 Parish Council and we await a copy of the proposed licence for review. Dorset
 Wildlife Trust are setting up a Community Liaison Group and Cllr Robin Pitcher will
 act  as  the  Parish  Council’s  representative.  It  is  understood  that  the  Group  will
 meet every three months on the Court Green site.  One barn has been cleared
 and will have the electrics sorted to enable meetings to be held there.

 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

 To  facilitate  the  village  street  party  on
 Saturday  4   June,  as  application  is  being
 submitted  to  close  the  section  of  West  Street
 from  Manor  Farm  Road  to  North  Street  from
 mid-day   until   early   evening.   Residents
 affected  by  this  closure  have  been  notified.
 Dorset Wildlife Trust have very kindly agreed to
 allow  parking  on  their  site  during  the  various
 events  over  the  weekend.    Those  residents
 who do not have off road parking in the area
 of the street party will be asked to move their
 vehicles to Court Farm for the afternoon.
 It is hoped that Commemorative Mugs will be purchased for all children under the
 age of 16 living in the parish. If you live in the parish and have children that fit this
 category, please contact the Clerk by email in order to reserve a mug. There may
 also be some mugs available to purchase.

 Community Speed Watch

 Wednesday 19  January; Old School 11am -12pm: Total number of vehicles 350;
 of which 46 were travelling in excess of 30mph and 10 exceeded 36 mph.
 Friday 28  January; Court Green 2pm-3pm: Total number of vehicles 473; of which
 63 were travelling in excess of 30mph and 6 exceeded 36 mph.

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