Page 55 - br-mar-2022
P. 55

March 2022                            March 2022


 The  main  news  from  the  last
 month  is  that  we’ve  finally
 managed  to  get  volunteer  work
 parties up and running! I’ve been
 trying to have two sessions a week
 over the past month, so we can fit
 as  much  habitat  work  in  before
 breeding  bird  season  is  upon  us
 and   we   must   cease   any
 vegetation  cutting.  I’m  incredibly
 grateful  for  the  support  and
 enthusiasm  shown  from  everyone
 who has made it out so far, and to
 those  who  have  kept  in  contact
 for future surveying sessions.
 Our  first  volunteer job  was  to  clear  an  area  of  non-native  species  from  a  small
 block of woodland on site. We’re lucky to not have any other non-natives on site,
 but this one area was completely swamped and took four volunteer sessions to
 clear  and  pile  up  the  vegetation.  We  then  moved  on  to  a  dense  area  of
 Blackthorn.  Blackthorn  provides  a  great  habitat  for  nesting  birds,  nectaring
 opportunities for insects, and berries for a whole host of wildlife, and I would never
 usually be cutting it. However, this area was blocking a footpath that we are re-
 opening  on  site,  so  needed  to  come  down.  We  stacked  the  arisings  in  several
 piles in the field to act as cover for birds and to stop emergent vegetation from
 being  browsed.  I  am  happy  to  report  that  these  piles  are  already  being
 frequented by flocks of Yellowhammer and Redwing, that I saw whilst walking the
 site on the morning of writing this.

 As  we  move  into  Spring  and
    Summer, the practical work will start
 to  drop  off  and  make  way  for  the
 main  surveying  season  to  begin.  I
 have several surveys in mind across
 the site, but I’m still very much open
 to  having  more,  should  anyone
 have  a  particular  speciality  and
 wish  to  get  involved.  Just  drop  me
 an email and we can have a chat.
 Elsewhere on site, we were recently
 offered  around  300  traditional  fruit
 trees at a very good price, so spent

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