Page 27 - br-mar-2022
P. 27

March 2022                            March 2022

 Item number six was an ornate gold urn into which she   extremely  seriously,  and  my  approach  to  the  Government  recognises  both  my
 used an asymmetrical oasis block.  More tulips featured      and Dorset Council’s commitment to the needs and aspirations of the residents of
 this time  a beautiful shade of pink.  A lively discussion   Dorset. I am a strong advocate for Dorset and remain committed to lobbying for
 took  place  about  how  best  to  keep  tulips  upright.    A   a better deal for the communities of Dorset. Here is the link to the statement on
 two pence  piece in  the water,  aspirin  and  lemonade   the  council’s  newsroom:
 were all suggested as solutions! Some beautiful peach   plan-that-is-right-for-dorset-cllr-spencer-flower-leader-of-dorset-council/
 germini  and  pink  roses,  with  dark  red  lisianthus  were
 arranged in a line across the display.
       Maintenance of highway verges
 Diana Holman had brought along one of her favourite
 containers which was so tall that unfortunately when Liz   Maintenance of highway verges is an important but costly undertaking for Local
 tried  to  plant  with  some  striking  stems  of  cornus  they   Authorities. It is necessary for safety as well as aesthetic reasons. With the squeeze
 would not fit as they were touching the ceiling!  So a   on  public  finance  we  have  much  less  money  to  satisfy  this  demand.  Dorset
 change of plan  turned it into  a horizontal   Council are taking an innovative ecological approach to managing our verges,
 arrangement.  Dark  phormium  leaves,  cut      reducing soil fertility through the collection of grass cuttings, introducing species
 into fish tails, provided structure and large   of flowering plant which restrict grass growth and ensuring low nutrient soils are
 bergenia   leaves   covered   up   the   used  in  road  construction.  The  result,  slow  growing,  beautiful  wildflower  verges
 mechanics.  Liz  reminded  members  that    which attract and sustain pollinating insects, and lower costs as the need to cut
 grouping in odd numbers works best but if   verges is reduced.
 you only have two stems to make sure they
 are at different heights.   Maintenance  of  highway  verges  is
       necessary  to provide  safe passage on
 The  final  container  was  a  statue  and  Liz   our  roads  ensuring  good  visibility  for
 decided to do a contemporary design in a   drivers  and  pedestrians.  The  need  to
 traditional  receptacle.  She  used  raffia   cut  verges  is  linked  to  the  underlying
 covered wire to group heads of alstroemaria together. With   fertility  of  the  soils  in  which  the  grass
 phormium  leaves  folded  into  loops  and  fatsia  around  the      grows. The milder autumns and springs
 base the end result was simply fabulous.   have led to extended growing seasons,
       and  with  it,  greater  public  pressure  to
 What  an  impressive  afternoon!    Talk  about  exceeding   cut more frequently.  Starting from the
 expectations  and  Diana  was  lucky  enough  to  win  one  of   principle  that  if  we  can  reduce  the
 the raffle prizes  -  of course, she chose the arrangement in   amount  that  grass  grows  in  the  first
 her own vase!   place, we will have less to cut, and this
       should  cost  us  less,  whilst  not

       compromising public safety.  Of the four main components of the ecosystem that
 Next Meeting    make grass grow – light, water, temperature and soil nutrients – it is only the soil
 The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on   nutrients we have some control over.
 Tuesday  8   March  2022  at  2pm  in  Winterborne  Kingston   There are two main ways we can reduce soil fertility:
 village hall.
       On  existing  road  verges,  we  can  collect  the  grass  cuttings  and  remove  them,
 Area  Demonstrator  Lucy  Ellis  is  the  demonstrator  for  the   gradually reducing the amount of nutrient which fuels grass growth.  We can also
 afternoon, and her title is Opera Goes to the Movies – Part II.  Sounds intriguing! As   add plant species such as Yellow Rattle which naturally reduce the amount that
 always, visitors and new members are most welcome.   grass grows by sucking the life out of the roots.

 For  more  information  contact  chairman  Bob  Holman  on  01305  848262  or  come   When  designing  a  new  road  scheme,  or  as  part  of  works  to  existing  roads,  we
 along on the day. We would love to see you!   make sure the finishing layer of soil is as low in nutrients as possible - or leave it as

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