Page 23 - br-mar-2022
P. 23

March 2022                            March 2022
    Ellie’s Stream
    She looks from her window through the gnarled apple tree   The  flowers  are  pushing  up  through  the  frost  this
    to the stream that flows by on its way to the sea   morning, and with the sunshine it feels like spring is on
    and she thinks of its words, if it were to talk,   its  way.  This  month  will mark  two years  since  the first
    as it tells of its birth from springs in the chalk   lockdown, and it has been an incredibly difficult time
        for all of us. None of us knew that it was going to be
    and how it has journeyed through lush, grassy meadows,   such  a  long  haul,  but  there  are  now  very  optimistic
    through early morn mists and soft dappled shadows.   signs  that  life  can  go  back  to  normal.  With  the
        vaccination   rollout,   and   a   much   better
        understanding  of  how  to  treat  covid-19,  it’s  brilliant
    It speaks of the willows which grow at its edge,   that  fewer  people  are  becoming  seriously  ill  or
    of banks and green borders of iris and sedge,   needing to go to hospital. Whilst some people are still
    of tumbling over shallows and a pebble strewn bed   badly  affected,  for  the  majority  it  has  become  a  mild  illness  with  a  quick
    where spotted brown trout have spawned in their redd;   recovery.
    how its ripples and droplets dance, glisten and gleam   As  things  continue  to  improve,  travel  is  also  becoming  easier.  There  are  a
    as the sunlight adds sparkle to the flow of the stream.   significant  number  of  people  involved  in  the  travel  industry  in  Mid  Dorset  and
        North Poole, and I know that the last two years have been very challenging for
        all  tourism  businesses.  Fully  vaccinated  travellers  from  most  countries  will  no
    It tells how it slows where its waters run deep   longer need to take any covid tests, and will only need to complete a simplified
    as it passes the fields holding cattle and sheep   passenger  locator  form.  This  is  to  confirm  vaccination status,  travel  history  and
    and how it flows on at a quickening pace   contact details.  This will make it easier for people with family abroad to see their
        relatives,  and  also  will  help  to  promote  tourism  to  our  area  as  we  move  into
    to surge through the channel of an ancient mill race,   spring and summer.
    through old, iron hatches, all rusty and brown   For  families  planning  to  travel  abroad,
    and under the bridges that lead to the town.      children  can  now  access  their  NHS  digital
                                       covid pass via the NHS app, making it easier
    It tells how it widens as its journey proceeds,   to  prove  their  vaccination  status  for  those
    and of winding through marshes of rushes and reeds;   countries  which  require  this.  Vaccination
                                       clinics  are  still open for children  aged  12-15
    it tells of the boats that are moored at its side   who have not yet had 2 doses, and also for
    and how it grows brackish with salt on the tide;   children  aged  5-11  who  are  particularly  at
    how it passes the islands, each jetty and quay   risk.
    and out through the harbour and into the sea.   I  was  delighted  that  Dorset  is  going  to  see
                                       increased investment in our schools through
    She looks from her window through the gnarled apple tree   becoming an “Education Investment Area”.
                                       This money will be targeted to support and
    as the stream still flows by on its way to the sea   help  children  from  all  backgrounds  to
    where its waters become vapour and clouds form and grow   succeed at the very highest levels. For many years Dorset had a low level of
    to replenish the chalk with their rain and their snow   educational funding, and it is something that I have campaign to improve.
    and she continues to listen, it feels like a dream   Education is such an important priority, and it’s great that the Government
        recognises  the  need,  and  is  now  delivering  for  our  children  and  young
    to live in a cottage right next to a stream.   people.
 Chris Nother

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