Page 21 - br-mar-2022
P. 21

March 2022                            March 2022


                 worked  at  Sturminster  Newton  School  and  thoroughly  enjoyed
                 working there. She caught the fish train up from Poole and the milk
         churn train down via Sturminster Marshall dairy on the now closed Somerset
         and Dorset Railway.
         Joan  took  pride  in  her  teaching,  and  had  a  wonderful  day  out  just  before
         lockdown,  when  she  went  to  Salisbury  Cathedral  to  receive  her  degree.
         Originally the teacher training students did not qualify for a degree but a few
         years  ago  it  was  decided  that  their  educational  achievements  meant  the
         students  deserved  this  honour.    Alan  Titchmarsh  presented  her  the  degree
         with the words: ”I am sorry you have had to wait so long for this”.
 youngest  pre-school  and  reception  children
 enjoyed  an  interactive  Space  themed  session   In 2016 they celebrated their Diamond (60  Wedding anniversary. Joan and
 and children in Key stage one and two, took part   Geoffrey’s wedding was brought forward from Easter 1957 to Christmas 1956,
 in an environmental based session.    due  to  Lt  Booth  being  posted  to  Germany.    His  Commanding  Officer  had
         denied them permission to get married, so no quarters were avaliable. They
 As part of our outdoor education programme, we have recently rehomed three   ignored his order, bought a mobile home, had it transported to Osnabrook,
 chickens. Each week, a different class is responsible for their care, and collecting   Germany where it was sited on a farm. Geoffrey’s final posting was in London
 the  eggs, which  we have been able  to use in cookery  activities.  We  have also   and  ended  22  Years  of  service  and  periods  of  separation  but  Joan  always
 been busy keeping our school grounds tidy and ‘in check’ with the help of some   coped  well with being  left alone  for  long periods  whilst Geoffrey was  often
 willing  parent,  grandparent  and  community  volunteers.  Our  next  gardening   away  on  exercise  or  detachment  for  weeks  or  months  at  a  time.  Officer’s
 morning will be on Saturday 5  March at 10am- 12pm; everyone is welcome!   wives were expected help look after soldier’s families as part of their unpaid
 Having  received  a  generous  donation  at  from  the  Pop-in-place  performers   duties as well as looking after their own children.
 Christmas raffle, we are planning on building some raised beds this term, which   Geoffrey and Joan moved to Tower House, Bere Regis in 1968 they went to
 we will plant with a selection of vegetables. These will accompany our fruit bushes   church regularly on Sundays, made many lovely friends. One of her greatest
 and apple trees and will be cared for by the children, so that they can learn more   joys was to enter competitions and crossword puzzles. She won lots and used
 about growing their own food.    her extensive reference library situated in the dining room to help her with the
 Continuing  with  the  outdoor  theme,  we  are  hoping  to  work  with  The  Dorset   competition entries, happy to find a fresh crossword to tackle in the weekend
 Wildlife Trust on their rewilding project at Court Farm. I am meeting with Seb later   papers.  Prior to the invention of the internet and Wikipedia, Mum had a lot of
 this  week  to  see  how  we  can  get  involved.  This  promises  to  be  a  valuable   success winning quite useful items, a freezer a tumble dryer and a Fondue set
 experience for the children and will give them the opportunity to give something   amongst other  items. She  had a  witty  turn of phrase with  words and  could
 back to their local environment.     often write a winning slogan.

 So Spring 2022, we hope, will be the start of new and exciting things for Bere Regis   One  year  when  she  won144  tins  of  Fruit  Pie  Filling
 School community as we move into a more settled time. We are thankful for all   (billed as “A year’s supply"!). There was a mix up with
 the support the local community has given us and hope that you will all continue   the delivery, so a week after she'd received the 144
 to get involved in whatever way you can.    tins  then  another  144  tins  arrived!  She  rang  up  to
         inform them and was told keep them we don’t want
 Rachael Brown   them back.

         Joan  was  always  a  superb  cook  but  later  admitted
         that after she’d been married to Geoffrey for a few
         weeks, he bought her a cookbook as a hint! She also

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