Page 47 - BR-March-2018
P. 47

March 2018                            March 2018


 Local Government reorganisation –
 I  remain  hopeful  that  by  the  time  this  report  is
 published that a decision will, have been made and
 announced  by  the  Secretary  of  State.  In  the
 meantime,  we  have  set  up  a  Joint  Committee
 containing Officers and Councillors from each of the
 respective Districts and the County council and we
 are preparing a variety of workstreams in readiness
 for a decision to go ahead.

 Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP)
 Figures from the Department for Environment Food & Rural  Affairs (DEFRA) show
 that  Dorset  now  recycles  59.4%  of  its  waste.    When  looking  at  comparable
 organisations  that  deliver  a  county-wide  waste  collection  and  disposal  service,
 Dorset is now the best performing authority in the country.  In addition, the annual
 Local Authority Carbon Index as compiled by Eunomia has seen the Dorset Waste
 Partnership  leap  from  third  to  first  place  in  England.    The  summer  customer
 satisfaction survey drew over 5,000 responses from around the county as people   BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE
 were asked what they thought of the DWP's services.  Overall satisfaction with the   CENTRE      If you are missing out because
 kerbside collection service is currently is at 87.7%, with the reliability of collection   of back or neck pain or injury
 service rated 91.4%.     TEL: 01929 472205          get in touch with

         (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)
 Woolbridge      SERVICING
 Stabilisation  work  has  been  completed  although  suspected  vandalism  caused
 more  stones  to  be  displaced.  Engineers  have  made  the  bridge  safe  whilst   BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
 providing a marked off crossing. Work to rebuild the bridge will take place during       for FREE advice, or see our
 the Summer when conditions are more favourable   COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS    website for tips and exercises for
                                                 many common injuries.
 Council Tax                                 And if you want to come and see
        OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE            us, there's an amazing £15 off
  Dorset  County  Council  have  agreed  to raise council  tax  by  2.99  per  cent  (the
 maximum without triggering a local referendum), plus a further 3 per cent to fund   IN THE MOTOR TRADE   your first session with this

 adult social care. The reason for this is that this area of expenditure has more than   Proprietor: Bill Greer   advert.  (BRAF)
 doubled  in  the  last  few  years  and  threatens  to  sink  Councils.  Northamptonshire
              Unit 1 Townsend Business Park        Call 01305 757101
 County Council being the first to effectively go into administration because of the   Bere Regis, BH20 7LA
 burgeoning costs of both adults and children’s social care. The areas are largely   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)   or visit our website
 demand led and are legal requirements for the Council to meet.

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