Page 73 - br-june-2022
P. 73

June 2022                                                                           June 2022

       We  have  recently  welcomed  some  new  volunteers  to  the  shop  rota  but        BISHOP’S LETTER
       there’s always change and we’re always looking so if you have some spare
       time,  we’d  love  you  to  get  involved.  In  particular  we  have  a  need  for
       someone to collect fruit and veg on a Wednesday morning from Dorchester              On  a  recent  visit  to  the  island  of
       Market over the Summer.                                                              Guernsey,  I  discovered  that  parish
       Thank you for continuing to support our Village shop.                                boundaries  –  usually  invisible  to  us
                                                                                            apart from as lines on a map or for
       To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours  *Avocado 103; Aubergines 142   the  influence  they  exert  –  are
       and  by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re          prominently  marked,  being  the
       happy to deliver.                                                                    principal  local  arrangement  for
                                                                                            political,  social,  and  spiritual  life.
       Ali Chorley                                                                          When  one  crosses  a  parish
       Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop                     boundary along a road, there is, by
                                                                                            the  wayside  a  stone  boundary
                                                                                            marker with a dividing line and the
                                                                                            names  on  either  side  of  the  parish  one  is  crossing  into.  To  my  great  interest,
       SUNDAY AFTERNOON WITH                                                                underneath most of these sits an abreuvoir or watering trough, originally for the
                                                                                            refreshment of horses en route.
       BRIANTSPUDDLE SINGERS IN                                                             I rather like the idea of a boundary being a place of renewal, an oasis of some

       BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE HALL                                                           kind, because they are often perceived as the opposite, as points of tension and
                                                                                            conflict. While regularly abused, boundaries and divisions are a natural, perhaps
                                                                                            essential part of human living and affirmed by scripture at many points - including

       Come  and  join  us  for  an  afternoon  of  Summer  Music,  cream  tea  and  cake  on   this winsome reference in Psalm 16 verse 6: ‘The boundary lines have fallen for me
       Sunday July 3  2022 at 3.30pm in Briantspuddle Village Hall.                         in  pleasant  places:  I  have  a  goodly  heritage’  .Boundaries  remind  us  that  all
                                                                                            created life has limits, which are a gift to us as well as a constraint. The task is to
       Entry will be free, though donations would be welcome.                               use them for enabling encounters with God and neighbour, those who are both
                                                                                            alike and unlike ourselves.
                                                                   Andrea Smith
                                                                                            The  promise  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  which  we  celebrate  in  this  fruitful  and  beautiful
                                                                                            season of the year, brings with it an affirmation that our differences are no barrier
                                                                                            to  God,  but  blessed  by  him  and  the  very  means  by  which  his  life  can  be
                                 Did you Know?                                              experienced as real and personal in every place. May they be for you a goodly
          You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if            With the assurance of my prayers,
                               you live within the parishes.
          We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
         delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less than you
           would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be
                            included on one of these rounds.

                Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
                or  01929 471780

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