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June 2022                             June 2022

 Diane and all her and David’s family would like to thank everyone for their kind
 letters  and  cards  of  condolence.  Also,  for  all  the  many  kind  offers  of  help  and
 support  that  have been received.  At  a  time like  this it makes  you  realise  was  a
 caring friendly village we live in.


 Well  here  we  are  again  letting  you  know  what’s
 happening at Bere Heath
 So here we go f for What’s On in June.
 Sunday  5   June  which  is  Pentecost  &  Queens  Jubilee
 weekend. This may have happened by the time you read the Parish Magazine
 but if not details are :
 Service at 2pm led by Rev John Yarrien – Superintendent Minister of Dorset South
 and  West  Circuit    &  Peter  Jenner  followed  by  Jubilee  Afternoon  Tea  ,  fit  for  a
 Queen. In order to help us cater please contact our Senior Steward Mrs Jackie
 Morgan – Telephone: 01929 472283                       if you are joining us for the   VILLAGE HALL NEWS
 service and Afternoon tea.
 Saturday 18  June  - Craft and Kids  - 2.30 – 3.45 pm    So here we are in June, all the Jubilee celebrations
 Various crafts for children of all ages. Cake and Drink . Tea & Coffee for Parents,   are  in  full  swing  as  we  celebrate  70  years  of
 Carers , Grandparents . It’s a relaxing, friendly and  safe space Why not give it a   commitment  and  dedication  from  a  quite
 try.   remarkable  lady.  Whether  you  are  a  royalist  or
       would  prefer  to  see  the  United  Kingdom  as  a
 Sunday 3  July –  Monthly service at 2pm led by Rev Steph Jenner.   republic is almost immaterial.
  All are welcome.  Tea/Coffee Juice and biscuits after the service.   What we see in Queen Elizabeth 11 is someone who signed up to serve a nation
       to the best of her ability and I don’t think you can ask anymore of anyone, or look
 We  hope  that  whatever  you  did  over  the  Queen’s  Platinum  Jubilee  Weekend    for a better role model for service. We are so very fortunate in our community that
 you had a great time.  We thank God  for the  way in which faith has been so   we  also  have  so  many  prepared  to  set  to  and  serve  each  other  in  ways  that
 important  to the Queen during her reign and continues to be  so today.    provide such a vibrant community that we can all enjoy as we feel able to and
 A warm welcome awaits all at Bere Heath Methodist Chapel.   the village hall is no different.
 Best Wishes   Most of the trustees put themselves forward in May 2019 committing to a term of
       one year’s service to our community by seeing to the day to day running of our
 Peter Jenner –  Lay Worker – Bere Heath Methodist Church    village hall. The pandemic hit and we chartered waters not sailed upon in living
       memory and everyone not only did what they signed up for but continued to do
 Telephone : 07973278791 or Email :

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