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June 2022                                                                           June 2022

       so right through and up until now with one or two joining us along the way. This    What an example she  is to us, that we too can commit our lives to God, and seek
       month on the 29  of June we will be holding our first annual general meeting for    His strength and enabling every day of our lives.
       over  two  years.  We  will  be  looking  back  and  reviewing  events  that  we  never
       dreamt of experiencing but more importantly we will be looking forward to where     Because we are so familiar with our National Anthem we may not have noticed
       we go from here.                                                                    that  the  words  are  actually  a  prayer;  a  prayer  of  blessing  for  the  Monarch,
                                                                                           whoever it is, and that the blessing will overflow to us as a nation.
       As the terms of our trust dictate all of the trustees will resign their positions at the
       AGM and decide whether to put themselves forward for more service or whether          God save our Gracious Queen!                         Thy choicest gifts in store
       it’s time for others to step up. Each organisation within the village can put forward
       a nominated representative from their organisation not to further their own causes   Long live our noble Queen!                                 On her be pleased to pour,
       but as a statement that the village hall is a key part of our community and as such   God save the Queen!                                           Long may she reign.
       they declare a desire to serve us all in maintaining the facilities the hall can offer.   Send her victorious                                                May she defend our laws

       Alongside  these  representatives  there  are  5  seats  for  elected  members  of  the   Happy and glorious                                              And ever give us cause
       community  to  take  up  and  together  make  up  the  committee  of  trustees  to   Long to reign over us,                                           To sing with heart and voice
       oversee the next 12 months in the life of the village hall. If you feel that this maybe   God save the Queen.                                           God save the Queen.
       a way that you can put something back into your community please talk to me
       about putting your name forward as a potential trustee for 2022/23. Even if you’re
       not in a position to put yourself forward as a trustee please try to come along to   We thank God for a Queen who puts God’s Word and His ways at the heart of
       the village hall on the 29 , hear what’s been happening and show your support       her life.
       for those prepared to take on these roles as trustees.
                                                                                           As a Nation, and personally, may we follow her example.
       We  are  very  fortunate  that  almost  every  activity  that  was  available  before  the
       pandemic has now returned and so there are many ways for each of us to make
       use  of  the  hall  with  Pilates,  Yoga,  Briantspuddle  singers,  Mike  Menzies  talks,
       Artsreach  events,  Saturday  coffee  shop,  Let’s  Lunch,  Purbeck  Film  Festival  all   Just a smile
       taking  place  again.  Hopefully  next  year  we  will  see  the  return  of  the  open   At Sunday School the class had reached the part
       gardens  weekend,  as  well  as  other  events  such  as  the  Burns  Night  supper  and   of  the  lesson  where  ‘Abraham  entertained  the
       other one of events. Life is virtually back to normal now even though covid is still   angel unaware.’  “Can you tell me the meaning
       very much with us as we learn how to live with it we remain vigilant in the event of   of ‘unaware’?” the teacher asked.  There was a
       further  variants.  And,  although  there  is  much  activity  at  the  hall  there  is  always   pause,  then  a  hand  shot  up.  “Please  miss,”  the
       space for new ideas and ventures and we’d love to hear of any you think might       little  boy  answered,  “unaware  is  what  you  take
       benefit  us  all  further  especially  if  you’re  prepared  to  help  make  those  ideas  a   off before you put on your pyjamas.”
                                                                                           A teacher was observing the class as they drew,
       The  village  hall  needs  our  support  and  if  nothing  else  the  last  few  years  have   sometimes  she  would  walk  round  to  see  each
       highlighted the many ways in which we need it too. As the bunting comes down        child’s  art  work.  As  she  got  to  one  little  girl  who
       on what is likely to be the last jubilee celebrations for a very long time, possibly the   was  working  diligently  she  asked  what  the
       last that most of us will ever see let’s take the opportunity to recommit ourselves to   drawing was.  The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.”
       maintaining this thriving community we are so fortunate to be a part of.            The teacher paused then said, “But no one knows what God looks like.”  Without

       Stuart Chorley chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall                               missing  a  beat,  or  looking  up  from  her  drawing,  the  girl  replied,  “They  will  in  a
       Mobile 07818078191

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