Page 39 - br-june-2022
P. 39

June 2022                                                                           June 2022

                Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites

          Summer Pudding

          This  is  the  perfect  pud  for
          those  summer  parties  and
          made with frozen fruit all the
          taste and half the cost.

          6-8 slices white bread
          1  pkt  of  frozen  summer
          fruits / berries
          caster sugar

          Line a pudding basin with clingfilm leaving enough hanging over to cover
          the top. Defrost a pkt of summer fruits and place in a saucepan and don't
          waste any juices.
          Gently  warm  for  a  few  minutes  with  enough  caster  sugar  to  sweeten  to
          your liking. Do not over stir or boil as we want to keep the fruit as whole as
          possible. Put a sieve over a bowl and tip in the fruit, retaining all the lovely
          red juices.

          Cut  the  crusts  off  the  bread  and  cut  a  circle  for  the  bottom  and  the
          remaining bread into triangles. Dip one side off the bread into the juices,
          place  juice  side  down  starting  with  the  circle  at  the  bottom  and  repeat
          with triangles lining the bowl, overlapping so there are no gaps.
          Place the fruit into the bowl

          Cover the top with more bread then fold over the clingfilm place a saucer
          on the top and weight it down (a tin of something) and place in the fridge.
          This is best made the day before so the bread soaks up all the juices and
          goes  lovely  and  pink.Turn  out  by  inverting  onto  a  plate  and  remove  the
          clingfilm. Cut and enjoy with cream yummy!

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