Page 36 - br-june-2022
P. 36

June 2022                             June 2022

 SOCIABLE                                        GARDENING CLUB

                                Our  May  meeting  was  a  triumph,  over  30  members
 ‘A Walk in the Woods’ by       attended.    We  were  fascinated  by  our  talk  by
 Bill Bryson                    Lorraine Love on Herbal medicines.   I will never look
                                at nettles in the same light again after she told us all
 A  review by  the  Bere  Regis  Sociable   the good things you can do with nettles and the wonderful affects on the male
 Bookworms.    libido.   She talked for over an hour and then had to stop while we indulged in
       Herbal  nibbles  and  tried  herbal  teas.    Lorraine  was  quickly  surrounded  by  our
 ‘A Walk in the Woods’ by Bill Bryson is   members  asking  more  questions  and  buying  up  all  her  stock.    I  have  nettle
 his  description  of  his  adventure  with   vinegar  and  nettle  tea  in  the  cupboard  and  an  ancient  herbal  cold  remedy
 friend,  Stephen  Katz,  to  walk  The   containing peppermint.
 Appalachian Trail in the USA.
       Next month on Tuesday 7
 The first part of our discussion was to discover that most of us, although it wasn’t a   June  we  hope  to  take
 book we would usually have chosen, enjoyed the read.    advantage  of  light  and
 However, more than one of our small group didn’t enjoy all of it - although there   weather   and   we   are
 were  parts  and  elements  they  felt  were  enjoyable.  They  also  appreciated  the   heading  out  to  The  Old
 detail  in  the  additional  historical,  geological,  ecological  and  social  tangents   Rectory  at  Pulham    DT2
 included between the actual recount of the hike itself.    7EA.    It  is  about  a  40
       minute  drive  but  I  think  it
 Many of us enjoyed the humour that Bryson injects into his narrative and its ability   will  be  worth  it.    The
 to  make  us  ‘laugh  out  loud’.  This  was  especially  noticeable  in  his  personal   garden  comprises  of  4
 commentary of buying his hiking equipment and his reliance (or lack of) on the   acres   of   formal   and
 maps he had. His descriptions of the other hikers they meet on their journey were   informal   gardens   with
 also humorous at times, although it was felt that some of these descriptions should   splendid  views.    There  are
 have  been  more  detailed  to  add  depth  to  the  memoirs  and  develop  fuller   Yew  pyramid  Allees  and
 characters.   hedges,   and   circular
       herbaceous  borders  with
 Bryson’s  relationship  with  Katz,  his  hiking  companion,  was  also  something  we   summer colour.  There is an
 found interesting and it too led to much discussion - the times they did, and did   are  exuberantly  planted
 not walk together; their differing perspective with regard to their approach to the   terrace and purple and white beds for the jubilee,  Box parterres, mature trees, a
 challenges  they  faced;  the  apparent  wavering  distance  and  then  closeness  of   pond, fernery, Ha Ha, and pleached hornbeam circle.  If that is not enough there
 their relationship and how, ultimately, their friendship endured.      are 10 acres of woodland walks.  There is also a bog garden with islands awash
 The ending was unexpected but satisfying and overall, we agreed that although   with primulas and irises.  Some plants for sale.  This for the cost of £10.00 to include
 it was not a ‘thrilling page-turner’ it was interesting to read and provided us with   tea and cake.
 more general knowledge than we expected. It has encouraged quite a few of us   In order to take all this in while we have daylight we hope to meet at the garden
 to  increase  the  amount  of  walking  or  more  serious  hiking  we  do,  one  member   at  6.30  p.m.    Any  questions  or  queries  please  contact  me  susan  Stone  01929
 even suggesting that she would be interested to go the Appalachian Trail herself!    472083 or email
 Interestingly,  two  of  us  said  that  we  had  already  recommended  it  to  our  male
 partners - maybe due to its more factual nature??

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