Page 30 - br-june-2022
P. 30

June 2022                             June 2022
 On Black Hill   the edge of Mays Wood and they may come later in the season. Now in spring,
        the  smaller annuals  are starting to flower including  the  charming  Heartsease  (a
 Above the verdant vale, where cattle graze and tractors plough,   small  native  pansy  –  see  photo),  scarlet  pimpernel  and  several  varieties  of
 up on that dominating hill, there is a certain wildness now.   speedwell.
 Where men once toiled to dig the sand and gravel from the stony ground,
 now nature works to claim each flooded pit, each barren scrape and every gritty   You   may  the   prolific
 mound.   green  ‘pimples’  on  the
 Lithe willows fringe the stranded pools in dips where reeds and rushes stand   field above Frooms Lane
 and creeping plants trail grasping stems across the sun-baked, naked land     which  are  clumps  of
 while busy darter dragonflies patrol through swarms of new hatched midge   Spear Thistle (see photo).
 to hunt along the furze lined trails that traverse the upper ridge.   The  flowers  of  all  these
       plants  are  attractive  to
 Below the windswept crest, where needled gorse and bracken sway,   insects, which in turn are
 on northern sylvan slopes, the sika browse and badgers play,   feed  for  small  birds  and
 where woodsmen cropped the oaks for posts and tannin for the leather trade,   mammals,  which  in  turn
       are  feed  for  larger  birds
 now fungi creep to claim each broken bough, each fallen twig in every dappled   and  mammals  –  a  real
 glade.   biodiversity  and  wildlife
 Green mosses clad the trunks of ancient trees whose limbs and branches spread,   bonus.
 while twisting roots stretch underneath below the leaf-strewn, autumn shed
 and nervous, raucous, painted jays hunt through the trees for season’s fare
 to cache amidst the leaves and mast that shroud the surface there.

 Atop the southern brow, that red barked pines and birches share,
 beneath its heathy, acid soil, there is a hidden chamber where
 great pumps engage to fill its void with water for the main supply
 to  serve  the  needs  of  each  local  home,  each  valley  farm  and  cattle  troughs
 Here rutted tracks pass by this place, past timber piles of lumbered pine,
 by grassy tussocked  open glades with bramble, bracken and eglantine
 and far off views that excite and thrill, seen on a summer evening walk
 when western light falls in the east on far off Vectis cliffs of chalk.

 Above the turbulent road where traffic noise can dull the mind somehow,
 up on that dominating hill, there is a certain wildness now.
 Where time runs slowly as seasons pass to change the landscape hues,
 and  nature  works  to  paint  each  shrub  and  tree,  each  open  space  and  hazy
 distant views.
 Fresh breezes waft across the open trails to cool the heat of summer days,
 while layers of clouds pass overhead above the ridge and gravelled ways,
 above the verdant vale, where cattle graze and tractors plough,
 up on that dominating hill, there is a peaceful wildness now.
 Chris Nother

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