Page 26 - br-june-2022
P. 26

June 2022                             June 2022

      Paul Martin   07788 185048    this forward. Work on the Elder Road footpath refurbishment had begun and was

 Electrics   01929 289323   now  well  underway.  Judy  Newton  very  kindly  offered to act  as co-ordinator for
       the Parish Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
       In  December,  the  Precept  for  the  coming  year  was  agreed  at  £73,730  –  an
 Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’   increase of just over 5% and the lowest increase since 2016 in recognition of the
 experience offering:-   continuing economic struggles. A tree survey was undertaken of the trees along
       the Elder Road footpath and a report produced setting out the work that needed
  Consumer Unit (fuse   to  be  carried  out.  Once  again,  the  Lunch  Club  had  to  be  cancelled  due  to
 board) Replacement   Covid.
  Landlords’ Electrical   By January 2022, the Elder Road footpath refurbishment had been completed. At
 Safety Certificate   a cost of £28,900, it was the most the Parish Council had spent on a single project
  Additions and   for  many  years.  Following  a  Zoom  meeting  with  the  land  agents  for  the  Drax
 Alterations to Existing   Estate,  we  were  informed  that  they  intend  to  sell  the  land  at  North  Street  and
 Installations   Back  Lane  to  a  developer  in  order  to  progress  development  of  planning
  Portable Appliance   applications. The organisation of the Jubilee events moved on at pace and an
 Testing   outline for the four days was beginning to appear.

 No VAT – Fully Insured     In February 2022, it was confirmed that the Post
 Part P Compliant   Office  would  be  reopened  in  the  village  shop.
 Free Estimates     Sadly,  the  co-ordinators  of  the  Community
 All Work Guaranteed   Speed Watch Team informed the meeting that
       they  would  be  leaving  the  village.  Grateful
       thanks are extended to Angie and Ian Wright for
       their work in  setting up this initiative.  During  the
       period of its operation, a noticeable difference
       has been made and it will be a sad loss to the
       village.  As  things  currently  stand,  no-one  has
       come forward to take their place.
       The first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan review
       was  completed  in  March  and  agreed  by
       members.  Organisation  of  Parish  Platinum
       Jubilee  events  was  well  underway  and  it  was
       agreed  the  Parish  Council  would  purchase
       commemorative  mugs  to  be  given  to  all  the
       children of the parish, under the age of 16. The date of the 16 July 2022 was set for
       the next Parish Forum and the Parish Council confirmed the acceptance of the
       Allotments  Licence  from  DWT,  with  our  management  of  the  allotments  to
       commence from the 1 April 2022.
       So, moving on from that not as quiet as promised year, there is still a great deal
       going on in the Parish. Covid still overshadows everything but less and less as time
       goes by. The Parish Council continues to be very active, and all members have
       their  own  area  to  oversee.  Amongst  his  many  other  duties,  the  Lengthsman  is
       making good in roads into repairing the Play Park fence.

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