Page 25 - br-june-2022
P. 25

June 2022                                                                           June 2022

       deemed  current  under  the  National  Planning  Policy  Framework  and  must
       therefore be taken into consideration.                                                                     BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP
       In  order  to  try  and  aid  better  communication  with  parishioners,  an  opt-in  email
       was  set  up;  the  idea  being  for  people  to  submit  a  request  to  receive                           The  next  meeting  of
       communications from the Parish Council regarding events or issues that may be of                            the  floral  group  is  on
                                                                                                                   Tuesday  14   June  at
       relevance to the parish. To date only four people have signed up to receive this.
                                                                                                                   2pm  in  Winterborne
       At  the  Parish  Forum  in  September,  Dorset  Council  gave  a  presentation  of  their                   Kingston  village  hall.
       proposal for the old school site; DWT gave a summary of their rationale for their                           The  demonstrator  for
       purchase  of  Court  Farm  and  surrounding  land  from  the  Drax  Estate,  and  their                     the  afternoon  is  our
       vision  for  the  site;  Cllr  Ventham  presented  Certificates  of  Appreciation  to                       old friend Nicky Heale,
       individuals  nominated  by  people  in  the  parish  for  their  support  during  the                       and his title is Summer
       lockdown periods and during the COVID restrictions. The open discussion at the                              Inspirations.    We  will
       end of the Forum focused on maintenance of the verges, parking issues within the                            look forward to
       village and liaison with Aster.                                                                             seeing  Nicky’s
                                                                                            creative ideas.
       In October, Phil Morgan stepped down from the Council but very kindly agreed
       to continue to help with the Lunch Club and Communibus –  we’re very grateful        As always visitors and new members are
       to him for this and for all his work as a Councillor; the purchase of Court Farm and   most welcome.  If it is your first visit to the
       surrounding  land  by  DWT  was  finalised;  and  a  Community  Liaison  Officer  was   club, it is free of charge.
       appointed.  The  first  Lunch  Club  and  Communibus  trip  for  over  18  months  were
       held and both were very well received.                                               The group had a coach outing in May to
                                                                                            the  flower  festival  in  Salisbury  cathedral.
       I n    N o v e m b e r ,    t h e                                                    What  a  wealth  of  colour  and  beautiful
       Remembrance  Parade  was                                                             flowers  greeted  us  as  we  entered  the
       held  with  Sally  Cadec,  DLL                                                       cathedral!  Imaginative and inspirational
       joining us to lay a wreath at the                                                    designs were everywhere throughout.
       memorial.    Thankfully   the
       weather was kind and we were                                                         A very special aspect of the festival were
       able  to  hold  the  service                                                         two  live  demonstration  by  the  three
       outside.                                                                             festival  designers  –  Michael  Bowyer,
                                                                                            Angela  Turner  and  Pam  Lewis  –  set  to
       Also  in  the  month,  Jon  Park                                                     music  by  a  pianist  and  a  violinist.    They
       joined  the  Parish  Council  and
       Lana  Lammiman  came  on
       board to act as liaison with the
       S c h o o l .   A   C o m mu n i t y
       G o v e r n a n c e    R e v i e w
       application  was  submitted  for
       two additional councillors to join the Parish Council to take our numbers from 11
       to  13.  Were  this  to  be  agreed,  it  would  take  effect  from  May  2024.  After  a
       consultation  exercise,  DWT  announced  that  the  new  reserve  would  be  named
       Wild  Woodbury,  and  conversations  continued  regarding  a  possible  site  for  the
       Community  Hall  and  management  of  the  allotments.  The  play  park  boundary
       fence  had  suffered  badly  from  recent  storms  and  was  now  in  need  of
       replacement. Discussions began with the neighbours to see how we could move

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