Page 46 - br-june-2021
P. 46

June 2021


         Volunteers Wanted
         The Pop  In  Place will  need  a rota of  volunteers to help
         with  the  community  café  to serve the  teas,  to chat  to
         people if you think you would like to become one of our
         amazing team of people who make such a difference to
         others lives please do get in touch.

         Pop In Place Rainbow Café

         If everything goes  according to  the  Government roadmap we  hope  to reopen
         the Community Café on Friday 25  June 10am  If this looks like a feasible thing I
         will call a meeting of all volunteer helpers on the previous Friday 18   at 10am to
         have a training  session on  opening in a covid  safe  way,  and  make a rota of
         helpers and drivers. If you want to come along but need transport phone 471170

         Pop In Performers Group

         If regulation allow, our  plan is to start this  group up in September using some of
         the Grease items we started working on mixed up with a few Christmas favourite
         we will invite you to Rydell High Christmas Prom our Christmas Show in December.

         New Projects being proposed

         The Repair shop
         We hope to develop this in the Lower room during the community café hours for
         people to make or repair items if you are interested in the project please pop into
         the café and let us know.

         Garden of Hope

         This is  still  very much on  the agenda but the  holdup  is trying to find  a suitable
         space to develop it in, in the meantime it is hoped we may be able to enhance
         some other  areas of the  village that  are owned  by  the Parish council while we
         work on the right site for this project. The first area we hope to start work on with
         the Parish  Council representative  Robin Pitcher  is improving  the  cemetery,
         planting  trees  and  bulbs  and  renovating the  shelter.  Please  let me  know  if  you
         would like to help with this project.

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