Page 89 - br-june-2020
P. 89

June 2020                             June 2020

 For  Jonathan  it  has  been  the  ability  to  accompany  individuals  that  has  been
 informative  and  transformative,  something  many  of  our  chaplains  also  would    A quick note from me to say Thank You to everyone who got involved on VE Day
 testify to. To live, sit or stand alongside individuals, to listen, advocate, encourage   (Even  after  the  last  minute  change  of  plans)  It  was  great  to  see  everyone’s
 and  give  time  is  itself  a  precious  gift  which  should  not  be  underestimated  or   efforts.  Please  send  any  photos  from  the
 squandered.                            day  to  as  I  am

                                        creating  a  video  memoir  of  the  day  that
 Reading this book at this time has caused me to reflect on how a church without
                                        can  then  be  shared  amongst  everybody.
 walls can be transformative in its own welcome, how we as individual Christians   And  don’t  forget  to  check  out  the
 can be alongside others in their own life journeys meeting them, as Christ meets   Facebook  page  ‘Briantspuddle  CV-19’  for
 us,  just  where  they  are  and  how  going  forward  we  need  to  take  time  to  stop,
                                        more updates.
 listen and engage with those outside our boundaries in new ways. The ministry of
 chaplaincy can do much to inform the work of the Church in its interaction with   Thank You, Amelia
 the world as we all contemplate a different future.
 What Jonathan has shown me is that churches with very definite walls have to
 decide  how  to  keep  the  door  firmly  open,  not  only  to  enable  the  needy,
 searching and interested to enter, but also, as we are reminded at Pentecost, to
 welcome  God  the  Holy  Spirit  of  possibility,  surprise,  interruption,  creativity  and
 discomfort in too.


 Christian Aid
 At  this  time  of  the  year,  I  am  usually
 organising a collection in church for Christian
 Aid. That is not possible this year, but as you
 will  all  know,  charities  are  suffering  shortfalls
 in  funds  owing  to  the  pandemic.  I
 understand  that  £66  million  was  lost  to
 charities  due  to  the  cancellation  of  the
 London Marathon.
 Therefore, I am hoping that some of you would like to support Christian  Aid this
 year by putting your donations in an envelope marked "Christian Aid, for Brenda"
 and dropping it in to the vicarage. You can of course put it through my letter box
 if that is more convenient. Thank you.

 The closing date is 30th June.
 Brenda Pitfield (471391)

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