Page 40 - br-june-2020
P. 40

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

       The new law gave us a range of enforcement powers and we have support from          POP IN PLACE NEWS
       Dorset Police if needed.  We were given a Penalty Notice option too but so far
       Dorset  Council  Trading  Standards  have  not  had  to  use  them.  Instead  business
       compliance has been achieved in the main by simply talking with business about      Thank you
       what the closures mean to them. Some businesses have been able to diversify, or     Thank you to everyone who is kindly donating food to the
       trade in different ways, and Trading Standards have encouraged and supported        Food Bank there is a box in the Spar Shop  Bere Regis you
       them with advice so they can do that legally and safely.
                                                                                           are able to leave donations in  the Shop at Brianstpuddle
       The law will change and adapt as Government review what is and isn’t working        and at  the box at the Village Hall Bere Regis.
       well,  and  it’s  likely  to  have  changed  since  writing  this  article.  Rest  assure  that
       Trading Standards will continue to adapt too, fulfilling our duties in helping keep   We have had  a donation from Lidl in Dorchester and food from the villagers in
                                                                                           Brianstpuddle  plus some very generous donations form Bere Regis  villagers too.
       businesses trading legally and people safe.
                                                                                           The Pop In Place continue to run a food parcel project through this difficult time.
       Dorset  businesses  can  speak  with  a  Dorset  Council  Trading  Standards  business
                                                                                           The parcel will only contain long life food tins and packets but can be helpful in a
       advisor on 01305 224702, or find information by visiting
                                                                                           time of crisis If you are struggling and need one of these delivered please email
                                                                                  or telephone 01929 472023
                                                                                           Thank  you  to  Jo  Bruce  and  Jo  and  Claire  Syrett      and    Paul  Bennett  who  are
                                                                                           helping to run this initiative.

                                                                                           Tea and Biscuits Parcels
                                                                                           We have delivered over 80 parcels of tea and biscuits with inspirational quotes
                                                                                           and  children’s  art  work  to  boost  morale  of  those  living  alone,.  Thank  you  to
         Paul Martin       07788 185048         Could the ALEXANDER                        everyone  that  was  involved  in  this  from  donating  the  items,  to  art  work  or

        Electrics          01929 289323                                                    delivering, it was a great community effort and very well received. If anyone was
           TECHNIQUE help you?                    missed please do let me know and we will deliver them a parcel straight away.

         Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’                                   Community KNITTING
         experience offering:-                Learning the technique will enable you to
                                              realise that the way you stand & move can    Please  do  keep  knitting  as it
          Consumer Unit (fuse                be the cause of pain & tension               will  be  a  useful  pastime
          board) Replacement                                                               during isolation, we can also
          Emergency call-out                                                              send  good  quality  knitted
          Service                              The BMJ gave                                items  to  the  hospices    and
          Additions and                        AT positive                                charities to sell  on their craft
          Alterations to Existing                                                          stalls  to  raise  money.  You
          Installations                        results in their                            can  make  a  change  from
                                                                                           squares  and  knit  a  toy  or  a
          Portable Appliance                  Back Pain trial
          Testing                                                                          cardigan    if   you   wish
                                               01929 298 323                               whatever  we  are  given  we
         No VAT – Fully Insured                                                            will put them to a worthy use.
         Part P Compliant                      0770 441 9200
         Free Estimates                                                                                                         Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023
         All Work Guaranteed                   Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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