Page 9 - br-june-2020
P. 9

June 2020                             June 2020


 Well,  with  lockdown  having  firmly  shut  down  all   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 forms of group socializing what can there possibly
 be to say from the village hall perspective.
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
 In  fact  the  village  hall  has  been  in  daily  use
 providing  a  sheltered  space  when  its  cold  to   preachers.
 queue for the village shop and post office, 2 metres apart obviously. The hall has   Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
 been able to provide a haven for those of us staying in the village and buying our   Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
 everyday  essentials. Its  also  been  able  to  very carefully  provide  a  place  where
 people, whilst queuing can just pass a few moments each day with friends and   Tuesdays 6.00pm  Youth Club for young people aged 11-17
 neighbour’s without breaking the rules and yet helping to retain what sanity we   Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
 still have. As lockdown is eased and more people can travel outside the village
 the real risk of the virus finding its way into the village is ever more real and so the   All these meetings are currently suspended due to Covid 19, but hopefully
 hall again will play its part in helping everyone keep safe distances whilst carrying
 on our everyday lives as best we can.   restrictions might be eased before the end of June.  Each Sunday morning
       at 10.30 there is a sermon available on YouTube, and all the sermons  are
 In  the  lead  up  to  VE  day  we  were  all  encouraged  to  make    our  own  bunting,   on our website
 much of this was sent into Amelia who then put them all together as a display. The

 bunting is hanging in the hall and will remain there for the time being and whilst I
 don’t want to encourage unnecessary trips to the hall I would say that if you’re in   Are you fed up with hearing about Corona Virus?  It dominates all the news and
 need  of  something  from  the  post  office  or  shop  do  take  time  to  enjoy  the   current affairs programmes on TV, but even more our everyday lives are constantly
 handiwork  of  many  people  of  all  ages,  a  real  display  of  community  working   affected by the restrictions currently in place.  I had intended to keep clear of the
 together.   topic for this article, but I had to change my original thoughts and so here I am
       talking about it again.  After all these weeks in lockdown people are finding it hard
 The  hall  also  continues  to  have  jams  and  chutneys  along  with  local  honey   to  keep  cheerful.    Loneliness  has  set  in for  many,  and  the  longing  to  see family
 available for sale and from time to time we have cakes and plants available as   members and hug them is overwhelming.  What can we do to ease these feelings
 well. Book let is up and running with the books out every day, those returned are   and stay positive?
 quarantined for a suitable length of time before making their way back on the
 shelves.    I read these thoughts recently, written by George Carey, a former Archbishop of
 By  the  time  you  read  this  we’ll  also  have  had  the  jubilee  room,  kitchen  and
 lobbies  redecorated  so  they’ll  be  fresh  and  vibrant  ready  for  when  we  can  all   “Why Praise works?  Praise lifts our eyes from the battlefields of life to Christ, the
 make full use of them again. The hall is still busy and providing for us all, but like   reigning Lord, reminding us that there is victory in Him and we can therefore pray
       with confidence “knowing that in all things God works for the good of those that
 me I’m sure you can’t wait until we can all come together and enjoy being in one
 another’s company socially again. Rest assured one day normal, whatever that   love Him.” (Romans 8:28) In Acts 16:25 we read that at midnight Paul and Silas, in
 becomes, service will be resumed.   prison, were praying and singing songs of praise to God, because they knew He
       was in charge of life ....
 Take care, stay alert and keep safe.
       Over the years I have grown in my understanding of praise in prayer, and have
 Stuart Chorley, Chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall,   come  to  realise  its importance.    Turn  to  praise  when your  heart is  sad  and  your
       steps are faltering.  Praise God when things are gloomy and the odds against you,
 07818078191   because praise removes your gaze from the immediate problems to the horizons
       of God’s victory and faithfulness. “
       These words are so true, and praise really does lift our spirits and encourage us to

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