Page 75 - br-june-2018
P. 75

June 2018                             June 2018


 There  were  so  many  varied  aspects  to  Barbara  and  we  all  saw
 different sides of her. I am going to tell of some which you may not

 For over 30 years, Barbara, Gilbert and I went to the wilder parts of Scotland.
 Barbara  to  fish  for  salmon  while  Gilbert  and  I  stalked.  We  stayed  in  some   Following  the  successful  refurbishment  the  Post  Office  and  Shop  were  formally
 wonderful, unique places, two of which were outstanding.   opened  on  Saturday  5  May.  Given  that  it  was  Bank  Holiday  weekend  it  was
       surprisingly  warm  and  the  event  was  well-attended  by  residents  curious  to  see
 For  many  years  we  were  guests  in  a  large  former  shooting  lodge  and  the   what  had  been  going  on.  Sir  Ken  Olisa  OBE  did  the  honours;  he  said  a  few
 owners, Brenda and Murdo, became close friends. Often, after dinner, Murdo   thought-provoking words about the value and benefit of community effort and
 would  entertain  us  on  the  bazpipes.  Now,  bazpipes  were  an  electric  form  of   then cut the ribbon. An unseemly rush into the shop for refreshments followed.
 bagpipes. While Murdo was being the perfect highland host, we did feel that
 enjoyment of the pipes indoors is a gift not given to we sassenachs.   Most  of  our  customers  have
       waited  patiently  whilst  the
 Our  favourite  accommodation  was  in  a  very  remote  and  cosy  bothy  called   shop  was  closed  for  the
 lnnat. lt shows in the background of the photo of Barbara and Gilbert on the   refurbishment  but  have  been
 front of the service sheet. There   very  pleased  with  the  results.
 was  no  electricity,  calor  gas   The  shop  area  seems  to  be

 provided light, a wood burning   bigger (just a trick of the light
 stove  gave  warmth  and  the   perhaps),   the   lighting   is
 water was piped in direct from   improved  and  the  stock  is
 a burn. It was delightful, it was   now displayed more clearly.
 too  far  from  any  hotel  for
 dinner,  so  Barbara  would  take   But please come and see for
 enough  food  for  the  whole   y o u r s e l v e s .    I t ’ s    y o u r
 w e e k    a n d    p r o d u c e d   Community  Shop  so  please
 marvellous meals on the rather   support your community by using it. We will shortly be issuing a customer survey to
       see how we might meet more of the residents’ needs (sensible suggestions only
 temperamental stove.
       please!) but if you have any requests or suggestions for new lines of stock please
 After  dinner  we  had  hilarious   let us know. You can drop into the shop any morning or     e-mail briantspuddle-
 evenings aided by a little wine and a few drams.
 But I always felt a little sorry for Barbara here, for the river was not always full
 enough  for  good  fishing  and  she  had  many  blank  days.  She  was  a  skilled   LAUNCH PARTY OF A NEW PARISH
 fisherwoman and such days must have been frustrating but she made light of it
 with her customary cheeriness.   PUBLICATION DRAWS THE CROWDS

 We once stayed in a hotel which offered good fishing.
 Another  fisherman,  Sydney,  was  there  and  he  and   th
 Barbara teamed up. One day they were taken onto a   On  11  May, despite the cool and drizzly evening, the shop was full to bursting
 sea loch to fish from a small open boat powered by an   with an enthusiastic crowd of parishioners celebrating the launch of Beating the
 outboard motor. The weather looked threatening and   Bounds.  Briantspuddle  Village Shop probably broke the record for the greatest
 a storm soon broke. Strong winds started to push them   number of people in a tiny village store!
 toward  the  opposite  shore  which  was  rocky  and   A new publication, ‘Beating the Bounds’ beautifully captures the ancient custom
 extremely  remote.  It  was  at  this  point  that  the   of perambulating the parish boundary.  An idea by Sue Jones, brought to life and

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