Page 79 - br-june-2018
P. 79

June 2018                             June 2018

       Following  her  sell-out  success  last  June,
       Bridport-based dancer Salud is returning to
       Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  for  more  fiery
       Flamenco on 16th June.
       ‘The  audience  at  Briantspuddle  was
       fantastic  last  year,’  Salud  says.  ‘I  couldn’t
       have  hoped  for  a  better  response.  I’m  so
       looking forward to performing there again.’

       In  a  spectacle  combining  poetry,  humour
       and  documentary  film  with  breath-taking
       footwork  and  graceful  moves,  Salud
       includes new choreography and Flamenco styles in this year’s spectacle.
       ‘My work is developing all the time,’ she says. ‘I’ve been working on new numbers
       all year, one of which will be premiering at Briantspuddle.’

       And as ever, at the centre of her art is duende, the mysterious and indescribable
       power at the heart of Flamenco.
       Salud  has  been  dancing  Flamenco  since  she  was  a  teenager,  inspired  by  the
       evocative street-dance of her native land. Now, having performed all over Spain,
       as well as in France, Turkey and the UK, she has settled in Dorset with her family.
       Venue doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start.

       Reservations can be made by calling 01308 485772. Audiences are invited to pay
       what they like at the end of the show.

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