Page 57 - br-june-2018
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June 2018                             June 2018
 The Lost Words for Dorset’s schools   process  with  advertisements  in  this  publication,  posts  on  the  village  Facebook
       group and posters made available in schools and public places.
 A campaign to provide a copy of the book The
 Lost  Words  by  Robert  Macfarlane  and  Jackie   Although there is a limited fund of money available, and grants are only made
 Morris to every Infant, Primary and Junior School   once a year in August, our aim is very much to give smaller amounts of money to
 in  Dorset  has  been  launched.  By  using   a greater number of applicants as this really does meet the aim of the Trust “to
 Crowdfunder  a  local  conservationist  Richard   seek to help young people in the Parish with a contribution to their educational
 Bradford aims to use the book to re-introduce lost   costs, priority being given to those most in need”.
 words from the natural world.
       The  application  process  is  very  straightforward,  completed  on-line  via
   The  book  takes  twenty  of  the  words  that  have    Young  people  are  encouraged  to  make  the
 been  falling  out  of use  amongst  children  -  such   applications themselves, although for those under the age of 16, it is understood
 as  adder,  kingfisher  and  bramble  -  and  brings   that a parent or guardian may make the application.
 them back to life, through the magical paintings   The  award  decisions  are  made  at  the  Trustee  meeting  at  the  end  of  August.
 of Jackie Morris and the 'spell  poems' of Robert   Grants are usually paid out before the end of that month  -  in time for the start of
 Macfarlane.  The  project  is  being  supported  by   the new education year.

 The target is £3,600 which will mean that 180 schools will be given a copy of the   In 2018, the closing date for applications is Friday 10th August.
 book  and  also  an  accompanying  resource    called  “An  Explorer’s  Guide  to  The
 Lost Words”, that will help teachers get the most out of the book. To donate to this
 campaign visit
       Can you help?
       The Trustees are seeking to bolster the Trust’s funds, to raise additional capital and

 Fly Tipping   to  generate  more  income  for  grants  in  the  future  and  are  keen  to  encourage
       additional  fund-raising  opportunities.  You  may  work  for,  or  know  of  a  company
 A  man  who  fly-tipped  waste  in  Sherborne  was  recently  convicted  and  fined  in   looking for ways to support the community; you might consider a personal legacy;
 court.   or  you  might,  like  the  founder  Thomas  Williams  nearly  300  years  ago,  be  in  a
       position to make a donation to the Trust right now. It doesn’t have to be a fortune
 Enforcement Officers at the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP), in a joint operation
 with South Somerset District Council, investigated a series of fly-tips in Sherborne   (though that would be most welcome!)
 and South Somerset back in November last year.   £100 can help with special travel needs,  £500 will help a future village Doctor to
       buy  stethoscope  &  lab  equipment,  £1,000  will  support  our  next  generation  of
 A man aged 30, of Yeovil, was paid to collect and dispose of building waste from
 a local resident who was having their house renovated.   farmers and stable managers through Kingston Maurward.
       The  Trust’s  income  is  derived  from  the  dividends  and  interest  yields  of  invested
 This waste was later discovered dumped across four separate locations, including
 near  Lenthay  Dairy  Farm  in  Sherborne.  Upon  investigation,  Enforcement  Officers   capital. Percentage yields have been low in recent years, whilst the costs incurred
 found evidence within the fly-tips that linked the waste to the offender. The man   by  students  have  risen  substantially  as  fees  have  risen  and  government  has
 was  subsequently  located,  interviewed  and  reported  to  appear  in  court  last   withdrawn funding.
 Wednesday (18 April) where he pleaded guilty and was fined a total of £1588.14   If you can help in any way, please get in touch with the Treasurer & Trustee John
 for his crimes.   Cleave on 01929 471463.
 Jeremy  Gallagher,  Enforcement  Officer  for  the  Dorset  Waste  Partnership  (DWP),   The  Trust  is  a  fully  registered  Charity  and  makes  annual  returns  to  the  Charity
 said:   Commission. Its aims, objectives and achievements are available on request.
 “We’re  obviously  pleased  with  this  conviction  and  would  like  to  thank  our   Alison Debenham  -  Trustee
 colleagues  at  South  Somerset  District  Council’s  Enforcement  Team  for  their
 assistance in the investigation. I hope this case  demonstrates that fly-tipping will
 not be tolerated in Dorset or Somerset. By working with neighbouring councils as

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