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P. 67

July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       After the success of the last show we are looking to stage another production at     BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
       Christmas on 15  16  17  of December. This will be a Nativity in part one and a
       variety show in part two, with the main emphasis on Christmas.                       ENVIRONMENT GROUP
       We would welcome  new young people into our group, so if you are interested in
       performing  and  will  commit  to  weekly  rehearsals  and  are  6  years  old  or  over   Summer should really be with us by the time you read
       please get in touch on                                          this, although as this item is being written it is pouring
                                                                                            with rain. OK, so some of you will say we need it, but
                                                                                            couldn’t  it  come  at  night.  Anyway,  it  will  fgive  local
       Dates for your Diary                                                                 gardens  a  boost  as  well  as  the  wild  flowers  of  our
                                                                                            verges, hedgerows and meadow areas.
             “Remembering Jubilees” Slide show and Bacon rolls Friday 22  July,  10.30
             am At the Village Hall.
                                                                                            May’s Wood Meadows
             Pop  In  Place  Macmillan  Coffee  Morning  will  be  held  on  Friday  30
             September, 10am 12 noon at the village Hall.                                   The meadow areas at May’s Wood should now at their best, so do take a look.
                                                                                            There is a wonderful show of Knapweed and other wild flowers such as Ox-eye
            Pop  In  Place  Christmas  Carols  and  Mince  Pies  will  be  on  Friday  23                                 Daisy.  Knapweed  can  be  identified  by  its
             December, 10am 12 noon at the Village Hall.                                                                   thistle-like purple flowers which bloom from a
                                                                                                                           spherical  blackish  bud.  Knapweed  is  a  firm

       Pop In Place Rainbow Café                                                                                           favourite of pollinating insects, be they bees,
                                                                                                                           butterflies  or  beetles,  the  flowers  being  a
       The café’ are open every Friday morning for coffee, tea, and biscuits. There is a                                   source  of  good  quality  nectar.  Later  on  its
       sales table with books and bric a brac and in the Lower Hall there is a workshop.                                   seed  heads  provide  plentiful  food  for  many
       Also you may like to come in and play table tennis as the newly refurbished table                                   birds.  On  a  sunny  day  you  are  likely  to  see
       is  now  up  and  running.  Please  do  call  in  on  a  Friday  morning  there  is  a  warm                        clouds  of  butterflies,  including  Common
       welcome to all.                                                                                                     Blues,  Small  Heath,  Meadow  Browns  and
                                                                                                                           Marbled  Whites.  Knapweed  has  many  local
       If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927 471170                                                                       names  around  the  country,  such  as  Hard
                                                                                            Head, Bachelor's Buttons, Blue Bottle and Iron knobs.

       Repair Shop                                                                          Some annual flower meadows have also been created at May’s Wood (above
                                                                                            the  school  and  at  the  far  end  of  Shitterton).  They  should  be  ablaze  later  this
       Over the last months we have be doing some wood work in the Lower room of            month with the varied colours of traditional cornfield flowers. They include poppy,
       the hall : making bird boxes, bug hotels and  planters etc  We have completed        corn  marigold,  corn  cockle,  scentless  mary  and  common  toadflax.  Do  go  and
       and refurbished the table tennis table and that is available for people to play a    take a look at these areas and see what you can find. And, if you have a garden,
       game.                                                                                why  not  create  your  own  meadow  area  next  year  –  the  insects  will  really

       If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own         appreciate it.
       small project, call in and see Paul  Bennett you will be very welcome.
                                                                                            Souls Moor Ponies and their Conservation Work
       Have you checked out our Pop In Place website                         On  Souls  Moor,  the ponies are  back and  doing  a great  conservation job once
       For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 47023                                 more,  helping  to  create  a  more  diverse  and  wildlife  friendly  meadow.  Do  say
                                                                                            “hello” to the ponies when you pass, but please do not feed them or approach
                                                                                            them  and  keep  dogs  on  a  lead.    For  those  of  you  concerned  for  the  ponies’
                                                                                            welfare, be assured they are regularly checked and they have a plentiful supply
                                                                                            of water from the pond.

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