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July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       So the current Trustees seek to help young people in the Parish with a contribution                                 surveys  on the  southern half  of  the site,  even
       to  their  educational  costs.    The  Trust  also  supports  the  educational  work  of  the                       using  the  variety  of  bare  ground  specialist
       Junior Church and a number of organisations in the village who set out to  give                                     plants for a module test for the students! Their
       youngsters an education for life in the broadest sense of the term, including social                                monitoring  of  the  site  will  be  continuing
       and  physical  training.  It  also  helps  the  Bere  Regis  Primary  and  Pre-School  with                         throughout  the  year,  all  working  towards  the
       funds  towards  requirements  not  normally  provided  by  the  local  education                                    knowledge  of  how  rewilding  is  helping  the
       authority.                                                                                                          biodiversity and bioabundance on site.
                                                                                                                                      Seb Haggett, Community Ranger
       Who can apply, when and how?                                                                                             Email:
       See  the  advertisement  on  the  preceding  pages  or  go  to  the  website    -                                                    Work Phone: 07508 867 216

       The Future

       The  Trust  looks  forward  to  continuing  its  support,  but  history  is  to  some  extent
       repeating itself. The need for assistance is rising and demand is already in excess
       of the income from the investments.   This is why there has been activity in recent
       months  to  improve  the  fundraising  capability  of  the  Trust.    As  the  longest
       established village charity, which has helped hundreds of young people over the
       years,  we  hope  that  the  continued  support  from  the  village  community,  in  the
       form  of  donations,  legacies  and  events  will  help  to  ensure  the  future  of  this
       worthwhile organization.
                                                                                               Dorset Property Care

       Editor’s note:                                                                                   Allan Slater

       As one  of  the Trustees, I  would be  most  grateful to                                      Based in Briantspuddle
       hear from any of our past awardees who are now in                                           Services
       employment  and  are  able  to  provide  us  with  their                                    Building maintenance
       ‘story’ so that we can add a personal touch to both
       the website  - and the new                                        General joinery
       Facebook  page    -    Thomas  Williams  Educational                                        Garden maintenance
       Foundation                                                                                  Garden landscaping
       You  may  also wish  to nominate  the  charity  for  any                                    Kitchens
       future fundraising events in which you participate  -                                       Man and digger hire
       fun runs, tough mudder, abseiling  -  you’ll have far
       more ideas than me!                                                                         Waste carrier licence

       But,  very  special  thanks  to  Becky  Gee  who  did  a                                    07973 158092
       grand  job  during  the  Jubilee  weekend  doing  face
       painting, a great success.

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