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July 2022                                                                           July 2022

                                                                                            days of Thursday 2  June to Sunday 5  June, and also to everyone who made
       BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY                                                           the events happen. The centre pages of this magazine contain a ‘pull out and
                                                                                            keep’ supplement of photographs captured during the various events.

       Parish Magazines
                                                                                            Parish Council Vacancy
       The first issue of the Bere Regis Parish Magazine appeared
       in  February  1887,  costing  1d  and  contained  various                            We  currently  have  a  vacancy  on  the  Parish  Council  for  a  new  councillor.  Bere
       matters connected to Parish affairs. It continued at the same price until 1920, but   Regis  is  an  extremely  active  council,  and  each  councillor  is  given  an  area  of
       then increased in price to 3d.                                                       responsibility that best suits them. A full list was included in last month’s magazine
                                                                                            and  is  also  available  on  the  web  site.  If  you  live  in  the  parish,  are  over  18  and
       From 1906 it was printed on thinner paper to keep the price as it had been, but      would like to get involved in helping your community, perhaps you would like to
       post-war inflation called for the price rise. However it was still running at a loss and   consider putting your name forward. Please email the Clerk with your expression
       from 1922 it only appeared quarterly or six-monthly but was free. This continued     of interest.
       until 1926 when it only appeared annually then ceased altogether in 1935.

       It  would  have been wonderful if it  had  run  through  the  Second  World  War,  but   Parish Forum
       paper shortages and probably an element of security prevented that.  After the
       war it started up again in 1947 but only contained church matters until 1961 when    The  Annual  Parish  Forum  will  be  held  on  Saturday  16   July  at  the  Scout  Hut,
                                            a  cheaper  duplicating  method  of             commencing 10am.  We  hope  to  have a  presentation  from Dorset  Wildlife  Trust,
                                            printing  became  available,  and  from         with  updates  on  the  employment  site,  Drax  Estate  development  sites  and  the
                                            then  onward  it  became  the  full  parish     Neighbourhood Plan Review. Refreshments will be available. There will also be an
                                            and church news magazine that it still is       opportunity for residents to put questions to the Parish Council and raise any issues
                                            today.                                          or suggestions they may have that are relevant to the parish.
                                            The  photo  shows  what  an  [almost]
                                            complete  set  of  Bere  Regis  Parish          Commemorative Mugs
                                            Magazines  looks  like  -  more  than  three
                                            big boxes belonging to the BRHS.                To  mark  the  Jubilee,  Bere  Regis  Parish  Council  are  providing  a  free
                                                                                            commemorative mug for all children aged 16 or under in the Parish. There are still
                                                                    John Pitfield           quite a few who have not collected, or ordered, one. Additional mugs area also
                                                                                            available at a minimum donation of £5. To order mugs, please complete a form
                                                               Projects Secretary           which is available on the Parish Council website or contact the Clerk.

                                                                                            Village Stones
            1887 to 2022 Parish Magazines
                                                                                            We would like to thank Jon Cleave for cleaning the large Portland stones at each
                                                                                            entrance to the village. They now look as good as new thanks to his efforts.
       Editors note:

       Don’t  forget,  that  the  Bere  Regis  website  has  a  digitized  archive  of  past
       magazines dating right back to 1887!!!                                               Parish Lengthsman
       Many  thanks  to  our  former  webmaster,  James  Loxton,  for  most  of  the  work  in   Most residents are aware that we are in the very fortunate position that we have
       creating this from scratch and thanks to our current webmaster, Rod Osmond for       a Lengthsman but perhaps not many actually know what he does. So here is a
       now producing them in an e-book format and full colour.  To take a look go to        breakdown of the work he undertook for the parish during May.     -   click  on  Main, and  then  scroll down to  parish  magazine      39 hours at the Cemetery keeping the grass and hedges neatly cut at all
       archives.                                                                                 times, clearing litter, and maintaining the graves and marking plots for new
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