Page 29 - br-july-2022
P. 29

July 2022                                                                           July 2022

            5.5 hours clearing rights of way around the village.                           Saturday  23  July  2   XI  v
                                                                                            Sherborne CC 13:00
            17.5 hours starting repairs to the various finger posts around the parish.
                                                                                            Saturday  18  June  1   XI  v
            50  hours  at  the  play  area  –  undertaking  maintenance  of  all  the  play   Broadstone CC 13:00
             equipment and repairing the boundary fence. Litter picking the area and        Saturday  30  July  1   XI  v
             carrying out weekly inspections.                                               Christchurch CC 13:00
            9.5  hours  clearing  litter  and  fly  tipping  from  around  the  parish,  emptying   No  home  fixtures  for  the
             litter bins and taking it to the tip.                                          Evening League XI
            43  hours  maintaining  the  grass  verges  around  the  village,  the  Elder  Road
             open space and Souls Moor.

            11 hours clearing fallen trees and branches and removing the debris from
             around the parish.

            2 hours completing bench repairs.                                                When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw

            4 hours helping with all aspects of the Jubilee weekend, from putting out           their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
             bunting,  setting  up  tables  and  chairs,  to  clearing  everything  away  and
             tidying up.                                                                         effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
       His duties vary depending on the time of year and what events or issues arise. Had                           advertising revenue!!
       we not got a Lengthsman, much of the work he does would have to be done by
       Dorset  Council  or  volunteers.  This  means,  rather  than  have  someone  who  can
       respond instantly, any defect would have to be logged with Dorset Council and
       then could take over a month before anything was done.

       Souls Moor 10 years on
       It is now nearly 10 years since Bere Regis Parish Council acquired an area of Souls
       Moor  as  a  village  nature  reserve  and  the  reserve  is  progressing  well.  Regular
       grazing by ponies is essential to encourage the return of rare plants such as the
                                                      Southern   Marsh   Orchid
                                                      which  was  once  common
                                                      within   the   flood   plain
                                                      alongside  the  Bere  Stream
                                                      and  it  takes  some  years
                                                      u n d e r    t h e    r i g h t
                                                      management to bring them
                                                      back  again.  This  year  we
                                                      are   pleased   with   the
                                                      number  of  these  plants.
                                                      Other plants, such as Yellow
                                                      Iris  and  Stitchwort  are  also
                                                      now doing well.

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