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July 2022                                                                           July 2022
       Dragonflies and Damselflies                                                         POP IN PLACE NEWS

       Dragonflies  and  damselflies  may  be  commonly  seen  over  the  summer  months,
       especially over ponds. The pond at Souls Moor is a good place to spot them.          Pop In Place Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
       What are the differences between the two?                                            were declared a triumph.

       Dragonflies are fast-flying with a long and stocky body. It has a pair of transparent   The Pop In Performers group staged “Happy and Glorious
       wings that tend to spread out while at rest, with each pair being of different sizes.   “in  May  this  met  with  great  excitement  and  wonderful
       Dragonflies have a strong and purposeful flight and can fly over long distances.     feedback from  all who watched it.
       They spend most of their time in the larvae stage rather than as adults.

       Damselflies are, by comparison, a slow, weaker flying, smaller and slender insect
       and  may  be  more  often  seen  perching.  At  rest,  the  four  wings  (which  are  the
       same in size and shape) tend to close over its body.
       The life cycles of dragonflies and damselflies are similar and both are predatory
       insects. There are three stages in the life-cycle of all dragonflies and damselflies:
       egg,  larva  (also  known  as  a  nymph)  and  adult.  Depending  upon  the  species,
       eggs  are  laid  onto  leaves  above  or  below  the  water  line  or  into  wood  at  the
       water’s  edge.  A  tiny  tadpole  like creature emerges  from  the  egg.  Soon  after  it
       moults and takes on its six-legged larval form. The larvae live under water, where                                       On June 3  we arranged a Jubilee Party
       they  prey  on  a  wide  variety  of  other  creatures  including  crustaceans,  worms,                                  for  over  65  people  this  was  all  free  of
       snails, leeches, tadpoles and small fish. Of course, the larvae can itself fall victim                                   charge  with  a  non-stop  time  table  of
       to predators, including other dragonfly larvae, fish and waterfowl.  As the larvae                                       entertainment  and  a  high  tea.  Thank
       grow over a period ranging from months to several years they shed their skin up to                                       you  to  everyone  who  helped  to  make
       14  times.  Unlike  butterflies,  dragonflies  and                                                                       these special Jubilee events possible.
       damselflies  have  now  pupae  stage.  Rather,  the
       larvae  emerge  from  the  water,  climbing  up  a                                                                       As  the  sound  of  the  National  Anthem
       plant stem to then undergo a metamorphosis to                                                                            rang out through the old building a real
       the  adult  stage,  leaving  its  last  moulted  skin  on                                                                sense of community echoed back.
       the plant stem.
       The  rather  ugly  looking  shed  skin  of  a  dragonfly                                                  “Remembering our Jubilees” a slide show
       after its emergence as an adult is pictured, along                                                                                    nd
       with pictures of a dragonfly and a damselfly.                                                             and Breakfast  Friday 22  July 10.30
                                                                                                                 We welcome Ian Ventham on Friday 22  July at 10.30 to
                                                                                                                 show his PowerPoint of Jubilees over the years, we will also
                                                                                                                 be serving bacon rolls on this day at £1 a roll.
                                                                                                                 Everyone  is  welcome,  and  we  look  forward  to  seeing
                                                                                                                 some new faces at this event.

                                                                                                                 Pop In Performers Group
                                                                                                                 We  start  back  on  Thursday  15   September  and  we  are
                                                                                                                 looking for some new rising stars who love to sing dance
                                                                                                                 and perform.

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