Page 59 - BR July 2024
P. 59

July  2024                             July 2024

 St Laurence’s has a very long church path, and it was covered in weeds and the
 edges were overgrown. On the evening of 12 June, 10 kind people joined Chris
 Parker  and  me  to  hoe  and  edge  the  path.  It  has  to  be  said  that  they  were
 encouraged by the offer of a bottle of beer and some cake!
 The  outcome  was  amazing!  A  very  smart  church  path  and  a  lot  of  chat  and

 Thank you all. Elizabeth Whatley and Chris Parker

 This was not posed!


 Volunteers came in all shapes and sizes   The finished article

 …. continued from page 11
 Sunday  4   August.    Monthly  service  at 2pm  led  by Rev  Steph  Jenner  which  will
 include Holy Communion.  All Welcome.  Refreshments after the service.
   We hope that you have a good July and wish you every blessing.
           Rev John Yarrien – Bere Heath Minister
           Peter Jenner – Children & Families Outreach Lay Worker

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