Page 42 - jul2021
P. 42

July 2021                                                                           July 2021

                                                   Registered Charity  -  306172

       Long established members of our village community will already be aware of this
       local grant making charity.
       Nowadays,  we  generally  refer  to  the  trust  as  “The  Williams  Trust”  and  many
       parishioners  are  aware  that  it  makes  financial  contributions  towards  the
       education of young people in the Parish, especially in cases of greatest need.

       Grants  to  individuals  in  previous  years  have  ranged  from  assistance  with
       equipment  costs  for  undergraduates,  6th  former  travel  costs  and  support  for
       apprenticeships.  Local youth organisations, including the school, Scouts and the
       Swimming Club have also benefited.
       The  Trustees  of  the  charity  are  very  much  aware  that  as  the  community  has
       changed and grown over the years, the profile of the Trust has  become less well-
       known  and  there  are  many  cases  of  real  need  which  have  not  been  able  to
       benefit.  To that end, we have stepped up the publicity  for the grant application
       process  with  advertisements  in  this  publication,  posts  on  the  village  Facebook
       group and posters made available in schools and public places.
       Although there is a limited fund of money available (even more so as a result of
       the pandemic’s effect on investments), and grants are only made once a year in
       August,  our  aim  is  very  much  to  give  smaller  amounts  of  money  to  a  greater
       number of applicants as this really does meet the aim of the Trust “to seek to help
       young people in the Parish with a contribution to their educational costs, priority
       being given to those most in need”.                                                                            839209

       The  application  process  is  very  straightforward,  completed  on-line  via    Young  people  are  encouraged  to  make  the
       applications themselves, although for those under the age of 16, it is understood
       that a parent or guardian may make the application.
       The  award  decisions  are  made  at  the  Trustee  meeting  at  the  beginning  of
       September.  Grants are usually paid out before the end of that month  -  in time
       for the start of the new education year.

       In 2021, the closing date for applications is Friday 27th August and the
       grant application form will be available on the website from 1 July 2021.

       Can you help?
       The Trustees are seeking to bolster the Trust’s funds, to raise additional capital and
       to  generate  more  income  for  grants  in  the  future  and  are  keen  to  encourage

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