Page 46 - jul2021
P. 46

July 2021                                                                           July 2021
       THE SERPENTINE LIDO                                                                  Waterloo.  We  are  sympathetic  to  this  as  a  temporary  measure  whilst  the  rail
                                                                                            industry recovers after what has been a period of turbulence in unprecedented
                                                                                            times,  however  we  do  not  consider  it  to  be  appropriate  or  acceptable  in  the
       It  was  with  a  wonderful  feeling                                                 longer term. This summer we are anticipating higher than usual levels of tourism in
       of  boyish  excitement  that  I                                                      Dorset  as  the  government  promotes  and  encourages  holidaying  in  the  UK  this
       parked   our   car   in   West                                                       year. We are concerned that the reduced rail service will mean that more tourists
       Carriage  Road  and  we  took                                                        will resort to travelling to Dorset by car, something that does not match with the
       the  short  walk  through  the  car                                                  national  commitment  to  reducing  traffic  in  both  the  Dorset  Council  area  and
       park  and  the  path  beside  the                                                    across the country.  As a matter of urgency, we would ask you to reconsider the
       Princess   Diana   Memorial                                                          current plans and to reinstate the two trains per hour as soon as possible
       Fountain to the Lido.

       The  early  morning  sun  was  just                                                  Boundary Review
       beginning  to  peep  through  a
       grey overcast sky as we caught                                                       T h e    B o u n d a r y
       our  first  glimpse  of  the  lido.                                                  Commission  for  England
       Hyde  Park  was  beginning  to                                                       has recently published its
       wake  from  its  slumber  as  we                                                     initial  proposals  for  new
       were met by a number of joggers out for their early morning exercise.  “Morning,     c o n s t i t u e n c y
       looks like being a nice day” one lady passed giving a friendly wave.                 b o u n d a r i e s .    T h e
                                                                                            proposals  and  maps  for
       As we approached, the lido cafe staff was beginning to put out the tables and        the  nine  English  regions
       chairs for its patrons to dine al fresco during the day and there were a number of   have been published on
       people  stood  chatting  near  the  swimming  pontoons.  Around  half  a  dozen      their  website  today.  The
       swimmers were already in the water ploughing up and down.                            ei gh t-we ek   publi c
       I had been invited by Brian Thomas, secretary to the Serpentine Swimming Club to     consultation  period  has
       come  along  to  its  Saturday  morning  handicap  race  and  to  meet  the  club    commenced. This will be
       members. Founded in 1864, it is open all year round with the Royal Parks allowing    the  first  time  the  public
       members  exclusive  access  from  6am.  until  9.30am.each  morning.    Though       will get a chance to see what their new constituencies might look like and give
       Brighton  Swimming  Club  was  formed  in  1860,  the  Serpentine  claims  to  be  the   the Commission their views on the proposals.
       oldest continuous swimming club in existence as it ran through both world wars.  It   For the 2023 Review, the Commission is promoting use of a specifically-designed
       has also been long time affiliated to the ASA which Brian tells me was originally    consultation  website  as  the  primary  tool  for  displaying  our  proposals,  and
       brought about to satisfy the club’s amateur status in a time when there were a lot   receiving comments on them. This is available at If you
       of professional swimmers.                                                            have  any  queries  please  contact  the  Commission  team  on  020  7276  1102,  or
       I had visited the lido in 2007 with Dave Pratten in our quest to swim a mile in every
       UK  lido.  We  both  loved  this  place  with  its  tranquil  setting  within  a  bustling  city.
       What  most  country  dwellers  like  us  do  not  realise  is  that  London  has  so  many   Surgery
       wonderful  green  open  spaces  where  people  can  come,  chill  out  and  enjoy.
       Hyde Park and the Serpentine are just fantastic places to while away a few hours     We are not holding face to face meetings for the moment. However, we would
       of idle pleasure!                                                                    be more than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring
                                                                                            or  email  us  with  the  subject  matter  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s
       The  last  time  I  was  here  was  a  year  ago  during  the  Olympics  where  I  had  a   email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is
       grandstand seat to watch a fantastic men’s 10 kilometre open water race. The  telephone 07814 569563.
       organisation then was amazing and of course, our athletes were at their brilliant
       best. We seemed to have shrugged off the mantle of gallant loser and become a                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
       nation of winners! Most of all, we showed that we were able to put on a huge

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