Page 39 - br-july-2020
P. 39

July 2020                              July 2020

 visit the world famous Mulu Caves (renowned for a
       erupted in to flames with another high wind.
 massive daily bat exodus) and also the adventure
 caves in the same complex.    But back to May ……..
 The expedition will include a wildlife safari in Sabah   Tuesday 26  May
 on   the   Kinabatangan   river,   staying   in   a
 combination of local homestays or riverside lodges   Still firefighting going on. Met friend Jenny up at The River Piddle on bikes and had
 and jungle camps.    a  picnic  in  the  forest  up  Hyde  end  with  great  menacing  Military  Ospreys  flying
       overhead and disturbing us.
 There  will  be  some  unique  and  unforgettable
 opportunities  for  our  expeditioners  during  their   We cycled to see the other firehose and the pump at Bere Stream. No one on
 month in Borneo.  A  trek into the rainforest to stay   duty which I thought strange. Huge piece of kit to be left unattended.
 with the Penan is likely to be an experience never   Wednesday 27  May
 to  be  forgotten.  The  Penan  tribe  have  only  relatively  recently  begun  taking  in
 visitors and our trip organisers are the only teams going there, so this promises to   All quiet ….. the Bere Road still closed. The Fire Village still up the road keeping an
 be a unique and rewarding cultural exchange.    eye on everything and hosing down the ground to try and prevent another flare
       up. Continually working on flare ups and hosing deep into the ground to put the
 However,  as  we  have  all  become  aware in  recent  years,  the  forest  around  the   smouldering roots out.
 Penan people is gradually being logged, so it will be a salutary experience for our
 team to see these open areas of devastation, the spread of palm oil plantations   Fire  Appliances  lined  up  all  along  the  road  and  fire  hose  in  every  direction….
 and the efforts of the villagers to re-seed logged areas with new trees. This was a   Hence …. Fire Village!
 project that was initially funded by the charity Moving Mountains (associated to   Thursday 28  May
 our expedition organiser), and our explorers will be able to see the tree nurseries
 and visit the areas which were replanted some years ago and are now becoming   Still hosing down and fire breaks being made.
 primary forest again.
       I rang the Control Room number as I felt really strongly that we were not being
 Sarawak’s  rainforest  is  a  nature  lover’s  paradise  and  boasts  of  one  of  the  most   informed about what was going on.
 diverse  ecosystems  in  the  world.  The  rainforest  is  a  safe  haven  for  uncountable
 species of flora and fauna as well as being a sanctuary to various species of wild   Took myself off on a 5km walk avoiding the scrutiny of the Fire Service!
 animals,  including  the  incredibly  shy  silvered  leaf  monkey  which  lives  on  flower   Friday 29  May
 and fruits. This expedition not only allows a unique opportunity to witness some of
 this  rare  and  endangered  flora  and  fauna,  but  also  some  of  the  hundreds  of   Met with Liz today for a walk in her area…. Lytchett Minster.
 different species of mammals, birds, snakes, lizards and amphibians.
       No  more dramas but the wind was strong so a fire risk today.
 During our trek to the Penan area our explorers will be using fly camps, and the
 expedition  will  be  travelling  self-sufficiently,  using  hammocks  and  any  natural   Saturday 30  May
 resources  they  can  find  in  the  forest.  This  is  expected  to  be  one  of  the  great   The road was still closed today so my escape to the New Forest to meet David
 experiences  of  the  trip  -  sleeping  under  the  forest  canopy  and  listening  to  the   Kate and Bodhi was via Wareham. Not ideal!
 jungle all around them. In the villages, the team
 will  be  able  to  sleep  in  the  homestays  of  the   Delightful day with them ….A good walk and saw a Whinchat and had yummy
 local Penan people, built from materials found in      pancakes made by David in the Motorhome. Bodhi walked such a long way.
 the jungle.
       The road just opened as I returned home again via Wareham! I probably could
 Finally, our expedition will end up with four days   have used normal route!
 on the island of Pulau Tiga. made famous as the
       A huge amount of work carried out today by Fire crew clearing away the hoses
 island used in the 2001 “Survivor” TV show.
       and trying to restore the area back to normal. I actually felt that this clear up was
 We are currently encouraging all the participants   a bit premature!

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