Page 43 - br-july-2020
P. 43

July 2020                              July 2020


       With lock-down and isolation measures likely to continue
       for a while yet, the small Archaeology Section have taken
       the  opportunity  to  assess  the  significant  finds  made  at
       Bere Regis over the last couple of years. In total there are
       over a quarter of a tonne of finds now and the numerical
       profile  of  these  are  being  looked  at  to  reveal  the
       significance  of  each  era.  Going  backwards  these  are
       separated into Modern, Early Modern, Post Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Anglo-Saxon/
       Viking, Roman occupation, Iron Age, Bronze Age and Neolithic. All of these eras
       are represented by finds in recent years and their significance is marked by their
       numbers and also by quality and status. The results of this study will be revealed at
       some time in the near future.
                                                           From  the  beginning  of
                                                           our project it has been
                                                           thought  a  good  idea
                                                           t o    p r o d u c e    a
                                                           newsletter   of   some
                                                           kind,   to   formally
                                                           record the work of the
                                                           society.   During   the
                                                           pandemic  lock-down
                                                           that  idea  has  been
                                                           modified   somewhat
                                                           and it is now proposed
                                                           to produce a "Bulletin"
                                                           of  the  BRHS  work,
                                                           which  will  combine
                                                           both  recent  work  in
                                                           the  village  and  parish
       with  previously-known  details  of  some  of  the  more  obscure  stories  about  our
       village. These will be short stories, probably no more than 200 words or so, plus an
       illustration on all sorts of subjects which have never been formalised before. It will
       also give opportunities for members to contribute short summaries of almost any
       subject.  We  already  have  a  list  of  about  fifty  ideas  to  briefly  summarise.  More
       news when the first edition is approaching completion.

                                                     John Pitfield, Project Secretary

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