Page 47 - br-july-2019
P. 47

July 2019                              July 2019
 and to find out more about the men who lost
 their lives during the war.

 Scout News
 Our annual bike ride was at the Sika Trail and   The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on
 we  made  sure  Neal  stayed  away  from  the   Tuesday 9  July at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village hall.
 bogs this year.  We needed to complete the   The demonstrator will be Julie Jeans, and her title is Inspired
 Geocache  Badge  by  making,  hiding  and   by Artists.
 registering the locations which took 2 sessions
 as the hiding the caches around the village took longer than expected.  If you   Visitors and new members are always welcome to come along, and your first visit
 are an avid hunter of geocaches or fancy having a go at it then take on look on   is free of charge.
 line and see how many of them you can find, don’t forget to log your visit and
 swap  one  of  the  trinkets  for  something  new.    Another  annual  tradition  was  the
 District Raft Build and Race at Buddens.  We had practiced this a few weeks ago
 but still did not come away with the trophy, but they did have an amazing time   Quality Tax and
 both  on  and  in  the  water.    We  stayed  over  at  the  campsite  that  night  and
 cooked on a scout made BBQ before a game of manhunt with the guides who   KingsBere   Accounting
 were also camping.  Another night of camping involved putting all the kit into two

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 trek carts and pulling them over Black Hill to camp in Briantspuddle Wood, scouts
 navigated the route themselves and then took part in a camp knife lesson to gain
 there  ‘knife  licence’  before  cooking  a  vegetable  stew  and  of  course  hot
 chocolate  and  marshmallows.    The  walk  home  pulling  the  kit  was  testing  as  a
 gate was locked and they had to navigate a new way home – great work scouts
 - #lifeskills.

 Cub News
 Cubs got very muddy at the Dorset Water Park when they completed the mud
 trail.  After a week of rain the conditions could not have been worse  – but that

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