Page 15 - br-july-2019
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July 2019                              July 2019

 successful year as we look to further enhance and improve the facilities we are   trials  of  many  kinds,  because  you  know  that  the  testing  of  your  faith  develops
 fortunate to be looking after.   perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and
       complete, not lacking anything.”
 There are currently several regular events in the village hall available to everyone
 including Yoga; Pilates and Keep Fit. These activities can only continue if enough   Most people wouldn’t think that the trials and problems which come our way are
 people  make  use  of  them  and  there  are  currently  a  few  spaces  available  at   something to be joyful about. But as we pray about them, and trust God to bring
 each and so if you’re interested in giving one of them ago look for the details on   an answer, then our faith grows and when the next problem comes our way we
 the notice board.   know that God will help us through that one too.  That’s why it is possible to know
       God’s peace at difficult times, and even know His joy as well.
 There is also scope in the diary for the village hall to host more regular and one off
 events. If you have an idea for activities or events you would like to see happen in    When  problems  come  and  you  can’t  sleep,  don’t  count  sheep,  talk  to  the
 the village hall do get in touch. As trustees it is our primary concern to ensure the   Shepherd!
 village hall is funded and maintained to secure its status in to the future but we’d
 be keen to support new ventures where we can.
       Just a Smile
 If  you’d  like  to  get  in  touch  please  contact  us  via  the  village  hall  secretary  or
 contact me direct on or on my mobile 07818 078191   A  little  boy  had  been  working  hard  on  his  drawing  at  Sunday  School,  but  the
       teacher  was  not  at  all  sure  that  it  illustrated  the  story  she  had  just  told.    The
       drawing showed an aeroplane in flight, with four passengers.  “This doesn’t look
       like a Bible story to me”, said the teacher.  “Yes it is”, the boy replied, “it’s the flight
       to Egypt”.  On being asked who the figures were, he explained that they were
       Jesus, with Mary and Joseph, escaping from Herod. “But who is the fourth figure?”
       asked  the  teacher.  “Don’t  you  know?”  said  the  little  boy,  surprised,  “That’s
       Pontius ... the Pilot.”
       Eight year old Peter was at the christening of his baby brother.   Afterwards  the
       vicar jokingly asked Peter if he could take the new baby home with him.  “Oh
       no”, said Peter, “we brought him – you only get to wash him.”


        Our next  Service  at  the  Chapel  is  on  July7th  at  3.00pm
        and will be led by Rev Sally Spencer.
        Everyone is welcome.
        The  next  Buggies  and  Brunch  is  a  picnic  and  games
        morning at Forest Gate, if the weather is wet at the Chapel.
        A  big  thankyou  to  everyone  who  helped    at  our  recent  coffee  morning.  We
        raised £320, which was a brilliant total. This money will help to keep the Chapel
         For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith (01929 471339), Caroline
        Harrison (01929 471378).

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