Page 13 - br-july-2019
P. 13

July 2019                              July 2019

 Grant awards will be considered at the August Parish Council Meeting
 Payment will be made following the September Parish Council Meeting

 More  information  can  be  obtained  by  contacting  the  Chairman,  Sue  Jones,
 01929 471375.
                    CHURCH FETE

 Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details
              Cruck Cottage
 Parish Councillor/   Email Address   Telephone
 Clerk   number
 Louise Dowell – Parish
 Sue Jones - Chairman   01929 471375   Briantspuddle
 Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663
 Lizzie Guinn   01305 848916
               10  AUGUST  2pm
 Graham Lightfoot   01929 471498
 Sarah Lowman   01929 472702
 Stuart Chorley   01929 472869   Entry £1, children free
 Trevor Poole   01929 471496

 BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB     Teas, cakes, games,

 A  short  piece  again  this  month  to  let  readers  of  this  magazine  know  of   books, raffle, bric-a-brac, craft
 forthcoming events to which everyone is welcome.
 Saturday 3  August - The Annual Bladen Social Club Horticultural Show.  This will   &
 be the 50  Year that the show has taken place and this year the section for the
 Novelty Cup will be “Any Handicraft that was made between 1969 and 2018”.
 There will be no entry fee for this class so you can enter as many items as you wish   Wareham Town Band
 and the show organisers are hoping that you will look in your cupboards, loft or
 shed for your current and past handicrafts and that there will thereby be a wide
 range  of  items  on  display  covering  the  period  over  which  the  show  has  been
                    Come and join us!
 taking place.

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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