Page 14 - br-july-2019
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July 2019                                                                           July 2019

              OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                           BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY GROUP

                                                                                            Coffee Shop
       Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting            T he Coffee Shop will be closed on Saturday 17  August as the hall and kitchen
       preachers.                                                                           are booked for a private hiring.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                            However  the  Bladen  Social  Club  will  be  open  serving  coffee  and  homemade
                                                                                            cake in aid of a local charity.
       Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group

       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
                                                                                            Lets Lunch

       If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again!                                       Just a reminder for our regular diners that our cooks are taking a break in July.
                                                                                            Our next lunch will be served on Thursday  29  August. See you all then.
        Herbert  Frood?    Now  there’s  a  name  to  stop  us  in  our  tracks.    He  was  only  a
       teenager at the time, living near Manchester.  Herbert was worried about a horse.
       He  had  been  watching  the  local  drover  with  his  lovely  Shire  horse.    Before  they
       descended  the  hill  outside,  the  drayman  shoved  an  old  boot  against  the  cart
       wheel rim, holding it tight with a pick axe handle, to slow the cart as it descended   AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
       the hill.  Sadly, at the steepest part of the hill, the boot burst into flames.  The old   COUNCIL
       chap had to let go. The wagon gathered speed.  The mare couldn’t cope, so she
       fell, breaking her foreleg.  Herbert burst into tears as a local farmer had to shoot
       the beast.  The drover too, had lost his beloved horse – his only way of making a    Southover Farm Slurry Lagoon Planning Application – WD/D/18/001035
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  has  been  notified  that  the  above  application  has  been
       Filled with determination, in his garden shed                                        determined.    The  application  has  been  granted  with  a  number  of  conditions.
       beside a stream, Herbert Frood rigged up a                                           One of these is for a Liaison Committee to be established once the application is
       water wheel.  Around a second wheel inside                                           implemented.    The  Parish  Council  will  be  pressing  for  the  establishment  of  this
       the  shed,  he  wound  a  metal  band.    To  this                                   Committee as soon as possible and more information will follow on this matter.
       he fitted a lever.  With this device he could
       now  put  a  brake  on  and  stop  the  water                                        Grants under Section 137 and 133 of the Local Government Act 1972
       wheel  from  turning.    But  the  band                                              Each year the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money which can be applied for
       overheated  and  collapsed.      Frood  tried                                        by local organisations for projects which will be of benefit to residents within the
       many  differing  materials  without  success.                                        parish of Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle.
       Finally he devised a mixture of asbestos and
       brass wire.  It worked!  It didn’t get too hot.                                      The Policy associated with these grants can be found on Parish Council’s tab on
       From  this,  the  first  efficient  brake  shoe,    grew  his  company  Ferodo.    Continuing   the community website together with details about how
       from this early design, his firm still makes brakes for modern vehicles.             to apply.  Alternatively details can be obtained from the Parish Clerk by emailing
       Jesus told a parable about not giving up, but persevering.  You can read it in Luke
       18:1-7.    He  said  we  should  keep  on  praying  and  never  lose  heart,  because  the   The timetable associated with the grant process is as follows:
       answer would come, even if it took time.
                                                                                            Applications to be submitted by 31  July 2019
       There are also some verses in the book of James, chapter 1 and verses 2-4, which
       talk about not giving up.  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face

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