Page 77 - br-July-2018
P. 77

July 2018                              July 2018

       Coffee Shop
       The coffee shop will be closed on Saturday 28  July as the Bladen Social Club is
       holding  one  of  its  coffee  mornings  for  a  local  charity.  It  will  also  be  closed  on
       Saturday 29  September as there is a wedding in the village hall.
       However on the remaining Saturdays we will open as usual for coffee, cake and
       bacon  rolls.  Plus  there  will  be  a  plant  and  local  produce  stall,  all  monies  raised
       going to the village hall.
       Look forward to seeing you.


       A thank you to Morning Data
       Over  the  last  few  years  Morning  Data  have  rented  a  small  number  of  parking
       spaces in the village hall from the Parish Council.  This was a mutually beneficial
       arrangement  which  started  when  their  business  had  expanded  at  their  Engine
       Shed  site  leaving  insufficient  car  parking  for  them.    Morning  Data  have  now
       expanded further and as a result moved out of the village to accommodate their
       increasing numbers of staff.  The Parish Council would like to thank Morning Data
       for the income it has received over these years.  As a sum over and above the
       precept  this  additional  income  has  meant  that  projects  such  as  the  repair  and
       replacement of fingerposts and the conversion of the telephone kiosks could be
       accelerated.    At  the  time  the  sum  was  also  very  helpful  allowing  additional
       funding  as  a  S137  grant  to  the  Village  Hall  Committee.    This  was  needed  as  it
       undertook  the  hall’s  redevelopment,  and  for  a  short  period  afterwards,  as  it  re-
       established its events calendar and fundraising activities.

       Millennium Stone

       In  1987  the  Parish  celebrated  1,000  years  of  recorded  history  of  Affpuddle  as  a
       settlement.  This  event  was  marked  with  a  season  of  celebrations  including  a
       beautiful  flower  festival,  a  concert  with  Bournemouth  Sinfonietta  held  in  St
       Laurence’s  Church  and  an  exhibition  in  the  Village  Hall.  A  Millennium  logo  was
       designed  by  Alex  Russell  and  this  was  reproduced  on  t-shirts,  mugs  and  other
       memorabilia sold for fundraising.
       A  more  permanent  marker  of  this  historic  event  was  the  commissioning  of  the

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