Page 76 - br-July-2018
P. 76

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
       New Sink
       Facilities in the Hall kitchen are now improved by the installation of a double sink
       and drainer. It will make life easier for caterers preparing meals for large quantities
       of  customers,  and  make  the  Hall  a  more  attractive  venue  for  weddings  and          SHIRLEY MARGARET DAY
       celebration  parties.  We  must  thank  the  Rotary  Club  grant  (due  to  the  recent
       marathon)  and  a  donation  from  the  Community  Group,  and  also  Allan  who     Well, what can we tell you about Mum.  It’s difficult
       researched, and installed the sink.                                                  because in many ways Mum’s life seemed to start
                                                                                            for us children at least, the moment she met Dad,

                                                                                            married and the family arrived.
       100+ Club
                                                                                            Despite hearing all sorts of stories from Dad about
       It’s  that  time  of  year  again  when  a  friendly  volunteer  will  be  knocking  on  your   his past life Mums past remained in some ways an
       door. Angie is handing over the baton to Mike this year, but hopefully it will be a   enigma.
       smooth  handover  and  you  shouldn’t  notice  any  change.  The  monthly  prize  will
       remain as it is now.                                                                 We  know  that  Mum  was  born  in  Yardley,
                                                                                            Birmingham on 5  January, 1936 to John (Jack) &

                                                                                            Cissie Davies and that the births of her dear sisters
       Artsreach                                                                            Evelyn and Barbara followed.
       Next seasons shows have been selected at a promoters evening, but there is no        Around  1950  the  family  moved  to  Kensington  which would  have  made  Mum
       certainty that you get what you ask for, even so we hope to offer some interesting   about 14 years old.  Barbara cannot remember which school Mum attended
       evenings.                                                                            but having left school Mums first job was in a sweet shop.  Mum loved working

       Village Hall Lunch                                                                   After that Mum worked at John Blundell’s as a Cashier.  Blundell’s was a retail
                                                                                            sales door to door company.  Salesmen sold their goods on a payment plan,
       The June Lunch was cancelled due to a staff shortage. The July lunch on Thursday     and  week  by  week  would  call  on  their  customers  to  collect  the  weekly
       12th July will be chicken and summer vegetable soup followed by trifle and the       payment.  Dad also worked at Blundell’s and Mum was responsible for taking
       usual cheese and coffee with a treat. As usual look out for the poster in the shop   Dads monies he had collected and keeping his cash books in order.  This was all
       and put your name down or phone Jenny on 01929 471498 to book your place.            perfectly good until they became a couple.  To avoid there being a conflict of
                                                                                            interest where both were collecting and receiving monies Mum could no longer

                                                                                            work with Dad.  Mum would have been around 18 years old at this point.
       Hiring the Hall
                                                                                            Barbara thinks that they may have been courting for around a year before they
       The  hall,  meeting  room,  and  or  kitchen  are  available  for  hire  by  going  to  the   were married which seemed about right because in 1955 Mum and Dad were
       Briantspuddle  web  site  and  following  the  links  to  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall.    married at the Parish Church in the Parish of St. Mary, Becontree, Essex on 29
       Currently  Allan  is  covering  the  booking  secretary  job,  but  things  are  about  to   October  when  Mum  was  19  years  old.    Almost  twelve  months  later    on  21
       change as we are hoping to induct our new secretary this month and avoid future      October  1956  Lesley  and  Maggie  were  born  –  just
       problems by getting a dedicated mobile phone so that whoever is doing the job        three months before Mums 21  Birthday.
       you will just phone the same number.
                                                                                            Mum had only one kidney and had been told it would
                                                                                            be unwise to have children so it was pretty remarkable
                                                                                            that Mum chose to ignore such advise  and go on to
                                                                                            have a family at all – never mind twins.
                                                                                            Back in those days there were no such things as scans
                                                                                            so neither Mum nor Dad had any idea that although
                                                                                            Mum  –  in  her  own  words  had  a  tummy  which  would

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