Page 75 - br-July-2018
P. 75

July 2018                              July 2018
       Various bodies have contributed donations towards items being bought for the
       Hall,  not  least  the  Parish  Council  who  contributed  along  with  the  Community
    OBITUARIES   Group  to  the  purchase  of  the  beautiful  new  cooker  to  replace  our  dear  old
       green goddess which had given us such good service for so many years.
 round a corner long before she did  – was carrying twins until seven
 weeks before the babies were due .  Seven weeks was not long to   The next item of expenditure is to be a renewal of the straw ridge on the Hall.
 get  used  to  having  to  double  up  on  everything  Mum  and  Dad  had  for  one   Luckily for us Allan secured a grant in the last round of Viridor Landfill Tax Grants,
 babe but to make matters worse the babies came a week later, and six weeks   as the scheme is now closing. Leonora Shepherd has given the Hall a substantial
       amount as third Party match funding and also a donation from the sale of ‘Salt of
 early.   Poor Dad had to rush  around and try and make an additional cot in
 time for when the babies came home.  Mum and babes were quite poorly after   the Earth’ for which we thank her in the warmest terms.
 the birth and did not return home for several weeks which fortunately gave Dad   Planning for the future (if we remain in post) we hope to promote the hall more
 some breathing space and time to prepare.   on line, luckily we do have a young savvy and computer literate member who is
       a great help. Another aim is to try and get more regular users and if at all possible
 After that – and still ignoring medical advise – Mum went on to have Janice in
 September 1958, followed by Kevin in 1961.   to encourage some of the people in the parish who never use the hall to come
       along  to  experience  its  delights!  We  will  continue  to  foster  good  relations  with
 With  the  family  complete  and  at  this  point  living  in  374  Upminster  Road,   other Parish organisations, and keep the Hall open and in good repair for use by
 Rainham  in  Essex  and  Dad  now  working  in  Fords  Dagenham,  the  family   future  generations  as  a  social,  educational  and  recreational  hub  for  the
 travelled down to Dorset to spend a holiday with friends in Corfe Mullen.  It was   community.
 here after a lovely holiday that Mum and Dad decided to move the family from
 Essex  to  the  countryside  of  Dorset  and  settled  for  a  run  down  cottage  in    Before  I  finish,  I  would  like  to  thank  all  the  people  who  have  been  on  the
 Shitterton, built in 1760.  There were no stairs, the loo was down the garden and   Committee for the last two years, those in our tiny band when we were surprised
 no real plumbing and electrics to write home about.  With the help of Dad’s old   to find ourselves alone and in charge at the beginning of my tenure, and those
 friend Eric Mansfield and Louis Bartlett – who lived in the bungalow next door –   who have joined us along the way. We have swift, efficient and often amusing
 Dad  set  about  making  the  house  into  a  family  home.    We  can’t  quite   meetings, a delightful, sensible and silent minutes secretary, and still manage to
 remember  how  many  weekends  away  Dad  spent  working  on  the  house  but   enjoy being trustees even though it’s hard work.
 think it was about 12 weeks.  The family finally moved down in January 1963 all   And  finally  Don’t  forget  research  has  found  that  the  biggest  correlation  with
 loaded  into  Dads  Ford  Pop,  which  was  not  uneventful  because  he  had   happiness  is  not  with  money,  but  with  your  relationships  and  your  sense  of
 problems with muck in the fuel line so every few miles we had to stop and Dad   community.
 would suck out the junk from the pipe, drink several gulps of milk and off we’d
 go again.   Thank you all for your attention

 The  family  quickly  settled  into  our  new  life  with  all  us  children  attending  Bere
 Regis Primary School.     Current Village Hall Trustees
 Mum meanwhile immersed herself in village life and, with other young Mums in   After a friendly and positive AGM the previous committee were thanked for their
 the village started the Bere Regis Young Wives Group.  This was a monthly get   work  throughout  the  year  by  the  Parish  Council  Chair  on  behalf  of  the
 together  of  like  minded  Wives  and  Mums.    After  a  few  years  the  members   community.
 decided to drop the word “Young” (something to do
 with no longer being so young !) and it carried on for   There are now 9 members on the Hall Committee, 4 nominated trustees, and 5
 many years.  During this time Mum was wholeheartedly   elected trustees.
 involved  in  the  Bere  Regis  Carnival  and  the  Wives   We  are:    Anne  Colquhoun,  Allan  Smith,  Angie  Talbot,  Angela  Tozer,  Jenny
 always entered floats – ably assisted by husbands who   Lightfoot,  Mike  Menzies,  Roger  Smith,  Stuart  Chorley,  Tamsin  Tankard  Evans.
 lent  vehicles,  muscle  and  carpentry  skills  to  build  the   Lesley Wilcox is the voluntary minutes  secretary.
 sets.    Mum  was  also  a  player  in  the  Wives  Group
 Football  team  –  although  we  can’t  quite  remember
 how successful they were !
        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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