Page 10 - br-July-2018
P. 10

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
                                                                                           Millennium Stone.  The stone used was from the old bridge and Alex’s design was
       SUMMER FUNDRAISING EVENTS                                                           carved  by  local  stone  masons.    The  inscription  includes  the  parish  name  of
                                                                                           Affpuddle, using lettering styles through the age transitioning into a digital font.
       What a lovely evening it was on June 1  for our annual Duck race evening. 1,000     Over time this inscription has become very difficult to read and the Parish Council
       ducks were sold and the profit for the Church for the evening was £1,072, which is   is  considering  having  the  stone  cleaned.  A  quote  has  been  received  from  the
       wonderful  and  we  thank  you  all  who  were  involved  especially  Bob  and  Denise   same stone mason who has been commissioned to carry out the cleaning of the
       Croom. It was also good to have the raffle and a couple of other stalls.            War Memorial.  The quote is based on the same methodology, which has been
                                                                                           approved by The War Memorial Trust and Purbeck District Council.
       The Scouts ran the Barbecue and served the drinks and we trust they also made a
       really good profit. These events are as much about village life and people getting   In addition to this proposal, it has also been suggested that a more appropriate
       together as well as fund-raising, I believe – and it certainly did that.            location for this stone may be Affpuddle.

       Now we look to the future and the Bere Regis Church Summer Fete is from 2pm on      The Parish Council would welcome your opinion:
       June 30 , so it may have happened by the time you read this but if not, please      Do you feel that the stone should be cleaned?
       know  you  will  be  very  welcome...also  at  the  Scout  Hut.  There  will  be  a  Bouncy
       Castle, many stalls and teas and an Ice Cream van.                                  Do you have a preferred location for the stone to be sited?
       The  Affpuddle  Fete  is  a  little  later  this  year  –  on  August  11   but  in  the  same   Please  send  your  replies  to  the  Parish  Clerk  by  the  end  of  July,  Lindsay  Hole
       beautiful venue. Please book that date in your diaries, whichever parish you are

                                                                                           WW1 Commemoration- Daffodil Planting

                                                                                           The Parish Council had asked for ideas
                                                                                           from  Parishioners  for  ways  of  marking
      BERE REGIS                                                                           the  end  of  WW1.    An  idea  to  plant
      MOTHERS'                                                                             daffodils  has  come  forward  and  in  its
                                                                                           June  meeting  Councillors  expressed
      UNION                                                                                support  for  the  proposal  as  well  as  a
                                                                                           willingness to fund or part fund such an
       Our meeting on the 6  June we celebrated Holy Communion our celebrant and
       preacher was The Reverend Rosie Coldwell.                                           Two ideas have been proposed so far,
                                                                                           one  is  for  naturalised  narcissus  to  be
       Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 4  July at Turberville Court which will be a
       talk by The Reverend Garry Guinness on his work in Rwanda.                          planted  in  the  woods  now  owned  by
                                                                                           The Erica Trust and another for daffodils
       New  members  are  always  welcome.    Please  contact  Nancy  Gibson  on  01929-   to be planted along the main street in
       472105.                                                                             Briantspuddle, passing along the whole
                                                                                           of the Briantspuddle Amenity complex.
                                              Angela Jones – Magazine Secretary
                                                                                           Councillors  would  very  much  like  to
       Date of Next Meeting                                                                hear  Parishioners  thoughts  about  these  proposals,  or  alternative  idea  you  may
       4  July          Turberville Court           Wednesday    2.00 pm
                                                                                           Please  send  your  correspondence  to  the  Parish  Clerk,  Lindsay  Hole

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