Page 9 - br-July-2018
P. 9

July 2018                              July 2018
 Waste Disposal    FOOD BANK  -  UPDATE

 At  the June meeting it was reported that the waste bins in the Parish were not
 being emptied regularly.  If you need to report a bin problem you can contact   Usually every 6 -8 weeks we hand over at least five carrier bags full of your gifts to
 Dorset  Waste  Partnership  on  01305  221040.    They  are  able  to  help  with  missed   the  Food  Bank  -  so  thank  you  from  the  people  who  were  very  grateful....and
 collections,  missing  bins  and  other  waste  problems,  more  information  can  be   please keep your contributions coming!
 found on Dorsetforyou.
       There are boxes in both our churches (yes now back in Bere Regis church) for you
       to  place  any  goods  you  would  like  to  donate.  This  provides  a  simple  way  of
       helping people who have fallen on hard times.
 Councillor Contact Details
       I would ask: Please ensure that your gifts are at least 6 months in date.
 Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
 Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375   You do not have to be a church member to contribute!
 Charles Barter      01929 463663   The boxes are emptied regularly  and the contents given to the Wareham Food
 Trevor Poole      07966 499252   Bank.
 Sarah Lowman      07796 221568   The list of what is most appropriate is:
 Jonathan Haigh      01929 471768
          Tinned Soup,          Rice/Sponge Pudding      Tea Bags/Coffee
 Mike Menzies      01929 471263     (Tinned),
          Fruit Juice (carton),                          Instant Mash Potato,
 Lizzie Guinn      01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com      Tomatoes (Tinned),
          Pasta Sauces,                                  Tinned Meat/Fish,
 Lindsay Hole      07887 782005      Pasta/Rice (1kg),
 (parish clerk)               Baked Beans,               Tinned Fruit,
                                 Tinned Vegetables,       Sugar (500g),
                                                          Biscuits or snack bars


                                          The FOOD BANK provides for local
 A reminder to all those with green fingers and those with craft and other interest   individuals and families in crisis -
 that the Annual Bladen Horticultural show takes place on Saturday 4  August in   Thank you for your support!
 the Briantspuddle Village Hall.
 Further  details  and  copies  of  the  show  entry  schedule  will  be  available  on  the
 Briantspuddle  village  website  ,  from  the  Bladen  Social
 Club and the Briantspuddle Saturday Coffee shop from the beginning of July.   FROM THE REGISTERS
 The next charity coffee morning

 will  be  held  on  the  28   July   Baptism
 commencing  10  am  in  the   At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis
 Bladen Social Club, proceeds in
 support   of   the   annual   On June 9  – Lola Rose Westell
 horticultural show

 Peter Talbot, Secretary
        At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis

        On June 14   – Shirley Day

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