Page 65 - br-jan-23
P. 65

January 2023                                                                        January 2023

                                                                                            This month our theme is the Baptism of Christ – yes, I know, Jesus was only a baby
                           CHURCH AND VILLAGE                                               two weeks ago, but the church moves on quite quickly!

                                                                                            Benefice Messy Church
                                                                                            The next Messy Church will be on Sunday 22  January at 4pm on Zoom.  Please
        Association  Contact  Tel      Address      E-mail     Meetings/Info                book   your   Messy    Church    Bag    by   contacting    Pat   Wharf

        Autumn Leaves  -  First   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  1st Thursday at 2.30pm at
        Thursday Club                        the Scout Hut               Date for your diary
                      Sue Stone   472083            susan97stone@
                                                                                            Breakfast - Saturday 11  February – from 10am in St John the Baptist Church.
        Bere Regis Bell Ringers   Adrian   471774              Normal practice night  -
                      Standfield                               Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to      Last held about 18 months ago!  It’s certainly time to have another one.  Everyone
                      Jenny Clifford                           7.30 p.m.
                                                                                            very welcome.  For more information, or to offer help, please contact Peter Wharf.
        Bere Regis Book Group   Lesley Clark   01929           First Tuesday of the month
                                 471732                        at 2.30 p.m.. Various
                                                               locations                    Life events
        Bere Regis Primary   Rachael Brown  471334   Southbrook   office@berereg  Primary and Pre-school for   Please do get in touch with me if you are interested in the church being involved
        School and Pre-School   -  Headteacher   Bere Regis   pupils aged 2-11years.    in any of your life events at Affpuddle or Bere Regis.
                                       BH20 7DB
                                                               Separate pre-school
                                                               facilities at 'Pebbles' for 2-  From  the  sad  ones  –  Funerals,  to  the  happy  and  joyful  ones  –  Christenings  and
                                                               4years                       Weddings, we’re here for you.

                                                               Breakfast club available
                                                               from 7.45am for children     We will have a Confirmation Service in the Benefice on Saturday 29  April 2023 at
                                                               over 3 years.                7pm, so please do get in touch, adult or young people, if you are interested in
        Bere Regis Floral Group  Bob Holman   01305   Camelot, Affpuddle,  bobdiholman@  2nd Tuesday at   getting confirmed.
                                 848262   DT2 7HH   Winterborne Kingston
                                                               village hall                 Rev  Sandra  01929  792235.    Please  use  this

                                                                                            contact for any visiting requests too.
        Bere Regis Gardening    Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   susan97stone@  Monthly.  Village Hall
        Club                           Regis, BH20 7LD   1st Tuesday.  7.30 p.m.
        Bere Regis Junior   Pat Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage,   peterwharf@bti  Second Sunday of every
        Church                         West Street   month in Church 10.000-                          Did you Know?
                                                               11.00 a.m.
                                                                                              Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month
        Bere Regis Parish   Moira Mathers           Bereregis.parish  Monthly, Village Hall
        Council                                     council.chair@  2nd Thursday                                  if you live within the parishes?
                                                                                                 We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
        Bere Regis Sports Club   Andy Kent   471079   94 North Street   membership@b  Village football and cricket
        Cricket       Herbie Swann   472812   teams for all ages         delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you
                                                                                              would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included
                                                                                                                     on one of these rounds.

                                                                                                     Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham
                                                                                                       or  01929 471780

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