Page 60 - br-jan-23
P. 60

January 2023                         January 2023

                                       successful,  others  less  so..  There  are  a  whole
                                       host of both mental and physical challenges
                                       he  faces  and  many  are  very  relatable  to
                                       living  on  Earth.  The  psychological  stress  of
                                       being  totally  alone  was  also  an  interesting
                                       perspective  to  consider.  The  ending  was
                                       particularly  hard  to  put  down  for  some,  as
                                       there is  the  suspense  of whether  or not  he is
                                       rescued, right up to the final chapters.
                                       Those who didn’t enjoy it as much found the
                                       more  technical  explanations  of  his  survival
                                       more  tedious  and  weren’t  as  struck  by  the
                                       general  subject  matter.  Others  had  already
                                       seen  the  film,  so  felt  they  had  enjoyed  the
                                       book less, as in places, it can feel quite slow-
                                       All  in  all,  a  different  type  of  read,  and  one
                                       which  fulfilled  our  wish  to  try  a  range  of

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