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January 2023                                                                        January 2023

       of all colours like the formation of a reef or a rainforest. They held a  vast range of   FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN
       microscopic plants and animals and provided food for many insects, bog spiders
       and dragonflies. When this is removed this peat would be holding after thousands
       of years, peat which could have stored five thousand tons of carbon per hectare.
       When drained this five thousand tonnes is oxidised and and released as carbon        Resolution
       dioxide bubbling out through the bog. I guess this could result in global warming. I   A  few  weeks  ago,  the  gospel  reading  in  church  was  from  Matthew’s  gospel,
       rest my case. Don’t use peat based composts.                                         chapter  3.  In  verse  2  John  the  Baptist  is  quoted  as  saying  “Repent,  for  the
                                                                                                Ted Cox   kingdom of God has come near”. Well, 2000 years later it doesn’t look much like
                                                                                            the Kingdom of God has arrived. The problems in Ukraine are well publicised and
                                                                                            are  often  overshadowed  by  news  of  the  other  world  problems.  We  have
       SOCIABLE BOOKWORMS                                                                   apparently just passed the landmark 8 billion world population. The Chinese are
                                                                                            being criticised for excessive restraint to control the Covid pandemic (having not
                                                                                            long  ago  relaxed  the  one  child  law).  Though  this  is  a  long  way  away,  the
       The  Sociable  Bookworms  welcomed  three  new                                       influence extends to us as we have been called to pop over to Wareham for a
       members at our meeting on 30th November. Jackie,                                     Covid booster jab. (Those folk in the Hi Vis vests are not riot police but are actually
       Emma  and  Jeanette  -  and  a  warm  welcome  is                                    volunteers.)
       extended to others who may like to meet up, to not                                   So here in sleepy Bere Regis and Affpuddle, what account should we take of the
       only  discuss  books,  but  for  friendship,  social  events                         greater world problems? Well, a bit further on in Matthew’s gospel (Ch7;v5) it says
       and activities. Just come along to a meeting to see                                  “You hypocrite, first take the log from your own eye and then you will see clearly
       what we’re all about.  There is no pressure to join us                               to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
       every month, some books might not be your cup of tea, and other events often
       clash, just come along when you can.                                                 Back in 1976, I made a promise on Easter day to follow Christ, to be a Christian. I
                                                                                            am  pleased  to  say  that  I  have,  am,  and  will  maintain  that  promise.  I  have  to
       We discussed The Martian by Andy Weir and Paula’s review is below.                   confess that my eyes are still drawn at the sight of beautiful lady, that my taste
       We have selected our next few books which are:-                                      buds encourage a further glass of Burgundy, that the 70 limit is not necessary for
                                                                                            me, and probably some much worse misdeeds.
       January- One Day in December by Josie Silva
                                                                                            Throughout the Bible  there are  many  pieces  of  advice. In Proverbs  28:13 it  says
       February- The Bullet that Missed by Richard Osman                                    “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and
                                                                                            renounces   them    finds   mercy.”   This   requires   two   actions   -
       March - The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams                                         Confess  –  are  you  perfect  or  do  you  actually  have  a  few  problems?
       We  like  to  select  books  a  couple  of  months  ahead  so  that  our  members  have   Repent  –  are  you  really  sorry  that  you  have  done  something  wrong?
       opportunities to source copies from the library, charity shops, friends, etc., which                                    Once  you  have  made  these  two
       not only keeps costs down but is good for the environment too.                                                          statements – that’s it – you are forgiven.

       Our next meeting will be on 25th  January.  Best wishes to everyone for a happy                                         You  don’t  have  to  worry,  just  strive  to
       and healthy new year.                                                                                                   follow Christ’s teaching.
                                                                                                                               So, at this season when some people are
       The Martian by Andy Weir                                                                                                making  New  Year’s  Resolutions,  have  a
                                                                                                                               think.  Can  I  contribute  to  solving  the
       Our group had a mixed reaction to this book. The story tells of an astronaut who is                                     world’s  problems  by  being  a  better
       accidentally  left  behind  alone  on  Mars,  how  he  tries  to  survive  and,  ultimately,                            person? Make a resolution – now !
       whether or not he is able to be rescued.
                                                                                                                                                        Mike Menzies
       Those of us who enjoyed the book found it interesting to read about the range of                                                Church Warden, LWL, Affpuddle
       different  problems  he  encounters  and  his  possible  solutions  to  those  -  some

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