Page 54 - br-jan-23
P. 54

January 2023                         January 2023
       Here Come the Trolls                          When it thinks it’s having a
 for  the  Little  Paradise  development  of  toilets,  boiler  room  and  storage  facilities,   pop.
 and  they  provided  the  money  for  the  new  level-access  entrance  to  the   They will hang you out to dry,
 cathedral.   And if they can’t, they’ll have        It doesn’t know when to stop.
       a try.                                        Off a duck’s back water rolls.
 Now they are embarking on the funding of a project to replace the cathedral’s   Here come the trolls.
 exterior and interior lighting with LED units, which will greatly reduce the building’s   You could find these things
 energy consumption and save thousands of pounds.    Is there an adequate reply?
       As they tear you, limb from
 During  the  pandemic,  the  Friends  funded  live  streaming  equipment,  enabling   limb.   Is there a valid reason why?
 services to be broadcast live to those isolating at home.   Don’t take it to your heart.   The answer is probably no.
 With a New Year upon us, now is a good time to join the Friends so that the charity   Just think of it as art.   Just sit back, and enjoy the
 can continue to fund projects for years to come.   Off a duck’s back water rolls.   As the vitriol unfurls,
       Here come the trolls.
 Subscriptions are £25 for a single membership and £40 for joint membership.      With all its twists and twirls.
 Members receive free entry to the cathedral*, our newsletters and annual report   It is almost as if we’re cursed,   Off a duck’s back water rolls.
 Spire, and invitations to our programme of events.   With social media at its worst,   Here come the trolls.
       And it’s nearly like a bender,
 And the Friends have a gift membership scheme, so if you are stuck for an idea   Paul J Openshaw (November
 for a present, Friends’ membership could fit the bill.   For a troll with its own
       agenda,                                                            2022)
 Please join us, so we can help to preserve our cathedral for generations to come.

 *Excluding cathedral ticketed events, concerts or parking.

 The Salisbury Bug Cathedral
                                             After  our  party  in  November  it  was
                                             back  to  normal  for  December.    The
 Salisbury Cathedral’s green initiatives have continued   talk  was  by  Phil  Griffin  from  Somerset
 with the creation of a bug cathedral.       and  Dorset  Air  Ambulance.    He
                                             e x p l a i n e d   t h e   h i s t o r y   a n d
 The  Revd  Pete  Atkinson,  minor  canon  for  young   development  of  the  charity.      The
 people,  said  that  following  the  gaining  of  the  Eco   charity  is  not  funded  by  Government
 Church Gold award, the cathedral had run a project   but by Local fundraising.  It is also vital
 in the summer to engage young people in its life.   in  our  rural  communities  to  access

 Pete and the education team ran a Youth Eco Day,   remote  places  and  get  patients  to
 to which a group of 20 12- 16-year-olds came along   hospital.  The helicopters are based in Stalbridge on the Somerset/Dorset Border
 to create a bug cathedral and explore the cathedral   and  can  access the whole  county  in less  than an  hour  from  takeoff.    After  the
 via a tower tour.    The Salisbury Bug Cathedral in the   meeting our members enjoyed toffee apple cake, meringues and sandwiches.
 Cathedral Close (picture copyright
 “The  young  people  from   Salisbury  and  the   Katharine Shearing).   Looking ahead to the New Year we are having a New Year Party on Thursday 5
 surrounding  area  had  the  opportunity  to  create  an   January  We are being entertained by Kevin Anderson.  A festive tea is planned
 amazing environment for insects in an enormous bug cathedral, which was built   along with Kevin’s songs and jokes.  If you are fed up with all the Christmas TV and
 by the cathedral’s carpenter, Richard Pike,” he said.   your family escape and spend an hour or so with us, we would love to see you.

 Since then, the cathedral has run an evening bat walk and set up a weekly eco   We have a full programme planned next year and in February our speaker is Tony
 club.    Bates doing a talk ‘Bere Regis then and now’

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