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January 2023                                                                        January 2023
                                                                                            Friends of Salisbury Cathedral 2023 events
       The Goalie
       For  what  should  have  been  a                                                     The Friends of Salisbury Cathedral have a full programme of events for 2023.
       beautiful game,                                                                      The programme began in January when Dean of Salisbury the Very Revd Nicholas
       Sadly,  he’s  likely  to  shoulder                                                   Papadopulos was ‘cast away’ at a Desert Island Discs evening.
       the blame.                                                                           Dean Nicholas talked about his life and chose his favourite music, book and luxury
       No-one could say that the lad                                                        item.
       hadn’t tried.
       He’d  made  up  numbers,  to                                                         The  twice-yearly  coffee  mornings  continue  in  the  Bell  Tower  Tearooms  on  14th
       make up a side.                                                                      February  from  10am  to  12pm.  All  are  welcome  for  coffee  or  tea,  biscuits  and
       It  was  not  a  position  he’d                                                      good conversation.
       chosen to play.                                                                      On 15  March there will be an afternoon talk in the cathedral, followed by tea
       When  they  picked  the  team,                                                       and cake in the refectory.
       he had no say.                                                                       And on 19  April, the annual coach trip will be to Wells, England’s smallest city.
       How could he know what was
       in store,                                                                            The  trip  will  include  a  guided  tour  of  the  cathedral  and  entry  to  the  Bishop’s
       When  twenty-three  –  nil,  was                                                     Palace and gardens.
       the final score?               He’d made up numbers, to make up a side.              The popular Secret Gardens of the Close afternoon takes place on 28  May, with
                                      It was not a position he’d chosen to play,            some new gardens open, teas served at South Canonry, the home of Bishop of
       How  can  a  goal  keeper  ever   And with a different goalie, I have to say,        Salisbury  the  Rt  Revd  Stephen  Lake,
       forget,                                                                              and  an  exhibition  of  botanical
       Lifting  twenty-three  balls  from   It could have been a whole lot more,            artwork.
       the back of his net?           When twenty-three – nil, was the final score.         Details of how to join the Friends and   RHODES TO SUCCESS
       Where  were  his  strikers,  with          Paul J Openshaw (October 2022)            all the events are on the Friends’
       swerve and bend,                                                                     website                                     Dog Trainer
       Weaving  magic,  at  the  other                                            ,uk
       end,                                                                                                                              Over 15 years Dog Walking
       Creating  space,  and  running        When you respond to                                                                    
       off the ball?                                                                                                                     experience
       Where was his defensive wall?   advertisers, do please tell them                                                                 Certified Dog Trainer
       These   things,   an   observer                                                                                                  Fully Insured
       cannot ignore,                    you saw their advert in this                                                                   DBS Checked
       When  twenty-three  –  nil,  was   magazine  -  it helps them
       the final score?                                                                                                                 Certified in Pet First Aid
                                         monitor the effectiveness of                                                               To Book your Free Consultation
       For  what  should  have  been  a
       beautiful game,                     their advert and helps us                                                                Tel:    07960 986893
       Sadly,  he’s  likely  to  shoulder
       the blame.                         generate more advertising                                                                        01258 880230
       No-one can say that he hadn’t                revenue!!                                                                       E.Mail:

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