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January 2020                                                                        January 2020

                                                                                                   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS

                                                                                           BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH

                                                                                           Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting
                                                                                           Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
                                                                                           Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
                                                                                           Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer

                                                                                           January heralds another New Year, this time 2020.  It doesn’t seem like 20 years
                                                                                           since we celebrated the Millennium!
                                                                                           Epiphany – on 6 . January, is recognised as the time when the Wise Men visited
                                                                                           Jesus.  The story of them following a star and bringing gifts to Jesus is a central part
                                                                                           of  the  Christmas  story.    But  many  people  think  that  the  star  is  just  a  part  of  the
                                                                                           ‘fairytale’ of Jesus’ birth.
                                                                                           However  some  years  ago  a  senior  astronomer
                                                                                           recreated the mysterious bright light which guided
                                                                                           the Wise Men to Bethlehem.  He calculated that it
                                                                                           was caused by an alignment of Saturn and Jupiter
                                                                                           which occurred on September 15 in the year 7BC
                                                                                           –  a  medieval  error  in  dating  gave  the  wrong
                                                                                           starting  point  to  the  Anno  Domini  era.    Dr.  Percy
                                                                                           Seymour, who recreated the Bethlehem night sky
                                                                                           in the planetarium at Plymouth Polytechnic, used
                                                                                           published data on the movement of planets 2000
                                                                                           years  ago  and  fed  the  information  into
                                                                                           sophisticated  electronic  projection  equipment  at
                                                                                           the  college.    Much  of  the  data  came  from  the
                                                                                           computer  work  of  Dr  David  Hughes  of  Sheffield
                                                                                           University,  an  authority  on  the  Star  of  Bethlehem
                                                                                           “mystery”.    Dr  Seymour,  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal
                                                                                           Astronomical Society, was ‘amazed’ when a huge
                                                                                           star  appeared  on  the  planetarium  screen,
                                                                                           coinciding with Dr Hughes September 15 theory.
                                                                                           “Nothing else in the night sky, around the years of the birth of Christ, can account
                                                                                           for the star.” He said.  “It is, in fact, the planets Saturn and Jupiter coming together
                                                                                           in  the  night  sky  in  the  constellation  of  Pisces.    A  conjunction  of  planets  like  this
                                                                                           happens only about once in 179 years.  This is almost certainly the astronomical
                                                                                           event which marked the birth of Christ.”

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