Page 46 - January 2017
P. 46

January 2017                                                                        January 2017

       Dorset  Trading  Standards  Service  has  on  two  separate  occasions  prosecuted
       traders for selling mattresses which when tested failed the fire safety tests.  Devon   PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT
       and Somerset Trading Standards have issued warnings to residents as complaints
       about mattresses increased tenfold in the period from 2014 to 2016.
                                                                                            Local Government reorganisation –
       Dorset  Trading  Standards  Service  advise  that  you  do  not  purchase  goods  or
       services from people who approach you in the street or from callers who cold call    Unitary
       on your doorstep.                                                                    The  results  of  the  consultation  have  now  been
       If you want to report concerns over mattresses, or if you would like advice about    published which shows a majority of the over 12000
       your consumer rights, then please contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline      people  who  responded  wanted  us  to  move  to  a
                                                                                            two  Unitary  system  with  Bournemouth  Poole  and
       on 03454 040506.
                                                                                            Christchurch  in  one  and  the  remaining  District
                                                                                            Councils  in  then  other.  These  are  the  District
                                                                                            Councils of North Dorset, West Dorset, East Dorset, Purbeck along with Weymouth
                                                                                            &  Portland.  All  Councils  will  be  voting  on  these  proposals  toward  the  end  of

                                                                                            Local Plan Update – Partial Review
                                                                                            The  review  continues  and  I  will  report  on  progress  over  the  next  year.  All
                                                                                            consultation  comments  can  be  viewed  online,  on  the  Council’s  consultation
                                                                                            portal, which can be accessed on the Dorset for you portal.

                                                                                            Bere Regis New School
                                                                                            The keys were formally handed over by me on behalf of Dorset County Council to
                                                                                            our  Headmaster  on  Monday  12   December  at  11.00.  I  hope  all  our  children
                                                                                            benefit from our new school.

                                                                                            Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
                                                                                            communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
                                                                                            If  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District
                                                                                            Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get to
                                                                                            the surgery my email address is
                                                                                                                                         Peter Wharf - District Councillor

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