Page 41 - January 2017
P. 41

January 2017                         January 2017


       We  are  looking  for  a  few  more  walkers  to  join  our
       friendly walking group – strolling and lots of chat.
       There  is  a  one  hour  walk  by  the  stream  and  around
       May’s Wood and also the option to do a shorter, thirty
       minute walk on the all  weather paths by the stream
       and across Souls Moor.
       After the walk we adjourn to the Drax Arms for a well
       earned sit down, tea/coffee and more chat!
       We are no longer affiliated to the Walking for Health
       scheme so there is no official paperwork to complete
       and you only pay for your tea/coffee.
       Every Tuesday at 1030 in the village car park and the walks will re-start on Tuesday
       3  January 2017 after our short Christmas break.
       More details from Lynda 471180.

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