Page 77 - feb-mag-2022
P. 77

February 2022                                                                       February 2022
                                                                                           OUR LATE CHURCHWARDEN, JOAN
         DATES FOR

                 YOUR DIARY                                                                We  were  all  so  sad  to  hear  of  Joan  Naylor's  death.    Joan  agreed  to  become

                                                                                           Churchwarden with me at  St. John The Baptist Church in Bere Regis, or at least
         2022                                                                              had her 'arm twisted' by Bob, and I can't begin to tell you how supportive she has
                                                                                           been over the years.
                                                                                           Although  I  can  usually  manage  to  do  the  practical  tasks,  she  was  brilliant  at
             Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     designing  posters  and  orders  of  service  and  putting  church-related  things  on
                                                                                           Facebook (I am hopeless at anything involving IT).   The most important role of a
            Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning      Gardening Club
                                                                                           Churchwarden is to be on the end of an email, 'what do you think we should do
                                                                                           about...' and sharing the responsibility.  As a Churchwarden,  Joan always knew
                                                                                           the right thing to do.
                                                                                           In addition to looking after the Church, Joan and I travelled together.  We visited
                                                                                           Tulip fields in Holland, canals and churches in Venice and got a 'volcano fix' on
              8th   ‘On the Spot’  -  Elizabeth Whitcomb               2.00pm              the island of Sicily.  I will miss you so much, Joan!
                                                                                                                               Sarah Welton, Churchwarden, Bere Regis
              9th   Communibus  -  Mystery Tour with lunch

              16th   Joyce Grenfell                                                        GOODBYE FROM PENNY AND JONATHAN

           SP   17th   Salt and Pepper Club

                                                                                           We were very happy for 41 years in Hazel Cottage, in the centre of Briantspuddle.
                                                                                           But  the  time  had  come  to  ease  the  maintenance  burden  on  us  and  others  by
              23rd   Communibus  -  Bridport                                               downsizing our property and living somewhere closer to family members.  On 10
                                                                                           December we finally achieved this by moving to the village of  Whimple in east
                                                                                           Devon.    It’s  about  halfway  between  Honiton  and  Exeter,  and  a  quarter-hour’s
              25th   Winter Talks, Briantspuddle Village Hall          7.30pm              drive from another village where our elder daughter Sarah and her husband and
                                                                                           family live.
                    Echoes of Dorset  -  a compilation of music and tunes
                    from the locality by Richard Hall                                      We said goodbyes to as many as we could in the final days before leaving, but
                                                                                           inevitably, what with removers’ deadlines and pandemic restrictions, there were
                                                                                           many more good friends to whom we never managed to speak.  If this applies to
                                                                                           you, please accept our apologies and be assured that we have been thinking of
                                                                                           you.   We thank those who sent us Moving House cards and/or Christmas cards,
                                                                                           the  PCC  and  congregation  of  St  Laurence’s  Affpuddle  for  their  send-off  and
                                                                                           generous gift, and all friends old and new who have made our lives so pleasant in
                                                                                           lovely surroundings.

                                                                                                                                                Jonathan and Penny

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