Page 79 - feb-mag-2022
P. 79

February 2022                                                                       February 2022
                                                                                           was poured from the jar it was the best wine anyone had ever tasted.  The host
       DATES FOR                                                                           had transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary.
                                                                                           was even congratulated for saving the best wine until later in the evening.  Jesus

               YOUR DIARY                                                                  Sometimes we need to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, especially recently
                                                                                           when  we’ve  had  a  couple  of  tough  years.    For  example,  during  the  pandemic
       2022                                                                                we’ve had to find other ways to celebrate. Some of us mastered the technology
                                                                                           and  shared  birthdays  via  computer  and  phone  screens.  Or  joined  in  keep  fit
                                                                                           classes. Or a ‘remote choir or orchestra’. Or watched socially distanced theatre or
            Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     concerts.  For  many,  going  outside  became  much  more  important  –  we
                                                                                           celebrated  the  sunrises  and  sunsets,  starlit  skies,  waves  crashing  on  a  beach,  a
            Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning     Gardening Club            walk in the park, the first snowdrop or daffodil blooming. Whatever it was for each
                                                                                           of us, little things became important, and we celebrated them. We had to look for
                                                                                           the extraordinary in the ordinary, and appreciate the smaller things in life, or things
                                                                                           that we never noticed before in all our rushing around.
             20th  Winter Talks, Briantspuddle Village Hall         7.30pm
                                                                                           It may not be the transformation of water into wine in the middle of an ordinary
                   ‘Marine Biology’ An exploration of the least known                      wedding  or  the  fossil  find  of  the  century,  but  I  hope  you  did  and  still  do  find
                   element of this fragile planet with Sarah Welton                        moments of real joy and surprise and even miracle in everyday life.
                                                                                           With blessings, Sandra
                                                                                           PARISH AND BENEFICE NEWS
             10th   Visit to Salisbury Cathedral  -  Flower Festival

             11th   Palmers Nursery, Yeovil                                                 There  will  be  Messy  Church  online  on  Sunday  30   January  and  Sunday  27
                                                                                            February at 4pm.  To get the link and order your activity bag please email Pat on

             19th   Salt and Pepper Club
                                                                                            Wednesday 2  February – 7pm Holy Trinity, West Lulworth
             25th   The Donkey Sanctuary                                                    The  licensing  and  installing  of  Reverend  David  Chillman  as  House  for  Duty
                                                                                            Associate  Priest  in  the  West  Purbeck  Benefice  will  take  place  on  this  date.    It
                                                                                            would  be  useful  if  you  could  let  the  office  know  if  you  wish  to  attend:
                                                                                            Life events
               8th   Swanage
                                                                                            Please do get in touch with me if you are interested in the church being involved
               14th   Nicky Heale  -  Summer Inspirations                                   in any of your life events.
                                                                                            From  the sad ones – Funerals, to the happy and joyful ones – Christenings and
               16th   Salt and Pepper Club                                                  Weddings, we’re here for you.  There are also a few young people interested in
                                                                                            confirmation – if you’d like to know more and maybe join in then get in touch.
               22nd  Ottery Nursery, Exeter
                                                                                            Rev Sandra 01929 792235.  Please use this
                                                                                            contact for any visiting requests too.

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